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Will Equifax ever have to pay up for 
massive data breach?

Eigh­teen months since news of the co­los­sal data breach at Equi­fax broke, the com­pany re­spon­si­ble for one of the coun­try’s larg­est, and likely the most dam­ag­ing, losses of per­sonal in­for­ma­tion has yet to face mon­e­tary pen­al­ties. At the same time, very lit­tle has been done in the way of re­form.

That could soon change.

Ac­cord­ing to Equi­fax’s an­nual re­port filed re­cently with the U.S. Se­cu­ri­ties and Ex­change Com­mis­sion, two fed­eral agen­cies are poised to take ac­tion.

The Fed­eral Trade Com­mis­sion and the Con­sumer Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion Bureau “in­tend to seek in­junc­tive re­lief dam­ages and, with re­spect to the CFPB, civil money pen­al­ties against us based on al­le­ga­tions re­lated to the 2017 cy­ber­se­cu­rity in­ci­dent,” At­lanta-based Equi­fax said in the fil­ing.

For many, such moves are over­due.

“One and a half years later, Equi­fax has still not paid a price for put­ting nearly 150 mil­lion Amer­i­cans at risk of iden­tity theft and other types of fraud for the rest of their lives,” said Mike Litt, con­sumer cam­paigns di­rec­tor for the Pub­lic In­ter­est Re­search Group known as U.S. PIRG.

He con­sid­ers the breach the worst in his­tory be­cause of the amount and type of sen­si­tive data ex­posed, in­clud­ing So­cial Se­cu­rity num­bers, birth­dates, ad­dresses and driver’s li­cense num­bers.

“So­cial Se­cu­rity num­bers are re­ally the keys to iden­tity theft and other types of fraud,” he said.

Mr. Litt said the big­gest way to pre­vent fu­ture large-scale breaches is to cre­ate the spec­ter of large, loom­ing fines.

Com­pa­nies need to know, “if they fail to pro­tect our per­sonal in­for­ma­tion, there will be stiff pen­al­ties,” he said. “We re­ally need an act of Con­gress to en­sure that.”

The breach at Equi­fax was con­sid­ered es­pe­cially egre­gious in part be­cause it and other credit re­port­ing agen­cies col­lect per­sonal in­for­ma­tion on con­sum­ers with­out their con­sent, and with­out

By Patricia Sabatini
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Dairy farmer Larry Cain had a bond with the Rice brothers; it’s not the same with EQT
Anya Litvak/Post-Gazette
Larry Cain, right, has two oil and gas well pads on his dairy farm in Bethesda, Ohio. His son, Devin, is at left.

Larry Cain is a “we” kind of guy.

“We’re play­ing our ri­vals,” Mr. Cain, 61, says on his way to a high school bas­ket­ball game.

“We just milk cows,” he says modestly, and it’s not clear if he’s talk­ing about him­self and his son Devin Cain who run the Cain Farm in Bethesda, Ohio, or the hun­dreds of farm­ers and land­own­ers he once shep­herded into a lu­cra­tive ar­range­ment with Rice Energy Inc.

When Canon­s­burg-based Rice an­nounced in June 2017 that it had agreed to be ac­quired by EQT Corp., Mr. Cain had an­other kind of “we” mo­ment.

“We need to talk,” he tex­ted Toby Rice, COO and co-founder of Rice Energy.

That night, he got a call — a dif­fi­cult call. Mr. Rice didn’t come out and say he didn’t want to sell the com­pany, Mr. Cain re­called.

He talked about do­ing what’s best for the share­hold­ers and how EQT of­fered $6.7 bil­lion.

“He would have been per­fectly happy build­ing the next Ex­xon,” Mr. Cain said.

The Ohio farmer felt jolted by the sale. He was a Rice en­thu­si­ast through and through — gush­ing to Dan Rice, the BlackRock hedge fund mil­lion­aire and father of the three broth­ers who founded Rice Energy, about how he had raised such won­der­ful kids; and open­ing up his farm to lo­cal re­port­ers to show how well the com­pany was tak­ing care of his land: “I can grow corn right up to the well pad!” he marveled.

So when broth­ers Toby and Derek Rice de­cided late last year to mount a cam­paign to un­seat EQT’s man­age­ment and board,

and to take over the Pitts­burgh com­pany, Mr. Cain vol­un­teered as a char­ac­ter wit­ness.

“He should have run our pub­lic re­la­tions ef­fort,” Jamie Rogers, for­mer CFO of Rice Energy, said re­cently.

The farm and the gas rush

One re­cent eve­ning, when Larry Cain and his sis­ter got to talk­ing about the most im­pact­ful peo­ple in their lives, their list was topped by two men: their father and Toby Rice.

Mr. Cain’s father, Glenn Cain, bought what is now known as the Cain Farm just be­fore go­ing off to serve dur­ing the Korean War era. When he re­turned, Glenn set­tled into the same life that now be­longs to Larry and his son Devin.

Cows are milked at 4:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Calves are fed, ma­nure is shov­eled, and farm im­prove­ment proj­ects done in be­tween.

The farm meant ev­ery­thing to

Glenn Cain.

He built his home on it, dec­o­rated the walls with large ae­rial pho­tos of the acre­age through the de­cades. He farmed well into his 80s, help­ing man­age the farm un­til weeks be­fore he died last sum­mer. The land was so pre­cious that when oil and gas pros­pec­tors would come knock­ing, he al­ways turned them away.

In 2011, a few years af­ter the oil and gas land rush came to Penn­syl­va­nia, the wave headed west. Land bro­kers con­vened farm­ers in school au­di­to­ri­ums and prom­ised a wind­fall.

Larry Cain and a few oth­ers lin­gered in the back, feel­ing un­easy. “They were of­fer­ing us a lot of money for some­thing — we didn’t know what we had — and ask­ing you to sign a 20-page doc­u­ment,” Mr. Cain said.

Some peo­ple signed right away,

By Anya Litvak
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The business of data destruction

If you close your eyes, it sounds like a glass vase is be­ing thrown onto pave­ment. Then bro­ken shards seemed to be dragged across the ground, tum­bling and clinking against one an­other like beads on an in­dus­trial-sized neck­lace. It’s loud.

That’s the sound of the shred­der chew­ing up hard drives teem­ing with data.

De­stroy­ing hard­ware is big busi­ness for Cy­berCrunch, a Greens­burg-based com­pany that an­nu­ally pro­cesses 4 mil­lion pounds of elec­tronic refuse, com­monly called “e-waste.”

As busi­nesses reg­u­larly ex­change old com­put­ers, print­ers and phones for new ones, click­ing and drag­ging sen­si­tive files to that re­cy­cling bin on your com­puter’s desk­top screen is not enough — it doesn’t per­ma­nently de­lete data.

In­stead, firms rely on data de­struc­tion ser­vices from com­pa­nies like Cy­berCrunch to en­sure they don’t leave the back door open to data breaches or put them­selves at risk for com­pli­ance fines.

“It’s like buy­ing an in­sur­ance pol-

icy,” said Bora Ca­lis­kan, for­mer busi­ness de­vel­op­ment man­ager for Cy­berCrunch. “They know they can show they de­stroyed the hard drives, they have proof of it.”

Pri­vacy is im­por­tant, but there are also en­vi­ron­men­tal con­cerns.

Ac­cord­ing to re­search from the United Na­tions, about 50 mil­lion tons of e-waste was pro­duced glob­ally in 2012 alone — about 15 pounds per per­son, on av­er­age. The U.S. was re­spon­si­ble for about

20 per­cent of that.

E-waste man­age­ment is ex­pected to be­come a $49.4 bil­lion in­dus­try by 2020, ac­cord­ing to Al­lied Mar­ket Re­search, a Port­land, Ore.-based mar­ket re­search com­pany.

Don’t try this at home

Water, mag­nets, hy­dro­chlo­ric acid and, yes, even the mi­cro­wave, all turn up in an on­line search for

By Courtney Linder
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Greensburg firm crunches hard drives
Lake Fong/Post-Gazette
Piles of hard drives ready to be shredded at CyberCrunch in Greensburg. Some companies are required to make sure the data is destroyed.
New tax rules could give Roth plans a boost

The new tax laws have had a lot of in­ter­est­ing con­se­quences, one of which was that a new class of peo­ple are good can­di­dates to con­vert their tra­di­tional re­tire­ment ac­counts into Roth ac­counts.

The trick is whether in­ves­tors think tax rates are lower to­day than they will be down the road.

James Lange, a Roth fan and au­thor of a book on the sub­ject, thinks it’s a no-brainer for a lot of folks since the in­di­vid­ual tax cuts pro­vided by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ex­pire at the end of 2025. So rates could be headed back up in a few years.

“The tax rates are much lower now than ever be­fore,” Mr. Lange said. “So, if you take my prem­ise that the best time to do a Roth IRA con­ver­sion is when your tax rate is the low­est it will ever be, right now might be a great time to con­vert.”

Others aren’t sure that such a move would ben­e­fit ev­ery­one. Older in­di­vid­u­als, for in­stance, may not have enough life ex­pec­tancy left to break even if they were to pay all their taxes up­front in a Roth con­ver­sion. But there

seems to be agree­ment that it’s some­thing in­ves­tors should con­sider.

The most at­trac­tive fea­ture of a Roth IRA is that all with­draw­als from the ac­count are tax-free, though you do not re­ceive an in­come tax de­duc­tion on con­tri­bu­tions.

Con­tri­bu­tions to tra­di­tional IRAs or re­tire­ment plans, on the other hand, typ­i­cally are de­ducted from in­come taxes and are

By Tim Grant
 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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