Real estate transfers

Al­le­gheny County


4th Ward

Ste­phen Robin­son trustee to David and Ro­berta Brody, 220 Belle­field Ave. N Unit 404, $946,000.

5th Ward

Mi­chael King to Ken­neth and Ran York, 415 N. Craig St., $200,000.

6th Ward

City RE Hold­ings L.P. to Pyg­ma­lion Home LLC, 3821 Cabi­net Way, $135,000. Jen­ni­fer Avo­lio to Ben­son Tucker and Sarah Denaci, 1046 Her­ron Ave., $249,000. Paul Novick to Al­ex­an­der Back­eris et al. and Dean Back­eris, 3946 Mint­wood St., $225,000.

7th Ward

Peng Gu et al. to Rachel Mazanek, 5708 Wal­nut St. Apt L3, $143,000.

8th Ward

Elda aka Alda Maz­zotta to Ste­fan Scham­ing and Mag­gie Maz­zotta, 320 S. Evaline St., $180,000.

10th Ward

Smokey Joe Prop­er­ties LLC to Peter and Mary Clare Zak, 5307 Car­ne­gie St., $379,000. UCG Thirty LLC to Daniel Quirk and Jen­ni­fer Park, 5224 Wick­liff St., $379,000.

11th Ward

Mi­chael Fiore to Fran­jes­sica LLC, 1147 King Ave., $220,000. Stephan Vo­gel to Paul and Shan­non Wakim, 1119 N. Eu­clid Ave., $206,500.

13th Ward

6 Degrees Com­mu­nity Devel­op­ment LLC to Mays En­ter­prises LLC, 7312 Idlewild St., $13,000.

14th Ward

Estate of Yongyuan Tong to Kath­leen Kim­ball, 5715 Bea­con St. Unit 514, $123,000. Sharon Kay Brody to jef­freye­i­leen llc, 5837 Ho­bart St., $325,000. A. Dol­ores Wil­liams Chan­dler to W Mi­chael Con­turo, 6954 Meade St., $200,000. Bar­bara Cole­man to Adam Lei­bow­itz and Cas­san­dra Oster­man, 307 N. Evaline St., $242,000. Lan­lar Prop­erty Group LLC to Jef­frey Mi­chael and Regan Todd Blough, 3215 Shady Ave., $174,500.

15th Ward

Ha­zel­wood Ini­tia­tive to Ron­ald Grace, 5211 Glen­wood Ave., $74,300. Din­isty Bed­ford to Ja­son An­drew and Jill Rokos Gil­more, 5120 Ly­tle St., $79,740. Brian Stil­well to Joseph Cillo Jr. and Erica Cillo, 4027-4029 Wind­sor St., $315,000.

16th Ward

412 Prop­er­ties LLC to Burgh Broth­ers LLC, 2516 Lar­kins Way, $10 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $66,804).

17th Ward

Justin’s He­roes LLC to Anne Latsko, 68 S. 19th St., $337,000.

18th Ward

Pa­tri­cia Han­lon to James and Mal­lory Mat­son, 19 Al­len St., $12,000.

19th Ward

RMPT Inc. to Cheryl Lee and Meghan Swift, 1529 Al­ton St., $94,000. Ash­ley Hyatt to James Sipes, 1049 Nor­wich Ave., $145,000. El­len Cut­ter et al. to Stra­te­gic Prop­er­ties Inc., 821 South­ern Ave., $50,000.

20th Ward

Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp. to City Vi­sion Na­tional Revi­tal­ilza­tion LLC, 1300 Chart­iers Ave., $10,000. Estate of Mar­gue­rite Hagan to Chris­to­pher Con­way and Xan­thia Saganis, 2440 Red Oak Drive, $162,000.

24th Ward

Joseph Konz­ier et al. to Han­taw Prop­er­ties LLC, 1303 Tell St., $22,500.

26th Ward

Floyd McCrea to Scott Fairchild and Jor­dyn Mar­tin, 136 Mairdale St., $118,000. Deb­o­rah Blakely to First Mar­shall Trust #1027300, 2730 Shel­ton Ave., $14,300.

27th Ward

Estate of Robert Lesko to Wil­liam Goo­drich and Beth Laz­zara, real es­tate, Cal­i­for­nia Ave., $13,100. Wil­liam Stevens to Char­les Gasper, 3540 Cal­i­for­nia Ave., $31,500.

28th Ward

Citi­bank NA to MD Sala Ud­din, 110 Clearfield St., $33,277. Lev Ran Talya to 1627 Cum­ber­land Street LLC, 1627 Cum­ber­land St., $30,000. Roger Li to John Moore Jr. and Jen­ni­fer Moore, 1834 Elm­dale Road, $244,570. David Na­ja­fabadi to Au­gust Rod­key III, 16 Ledged­ale St., $104,000.

29th Ward

Home Finders Inc. to Tu­laPup LLC, 202 Me­red­ith St., $55,000. Bank Amer­ica trustee to Amer­i­can Hous­ing Trust 11, 1703 West­mont Ave., $10 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $35,000). Mush­room Devel­op­ment Inc. to Johna­than Firda, 1703 West­mont Ave., $68,500.

31st Ward

Velita Ken­nedy to Ken­neth Ken­nedy, 1422 Muldowney Ave., $80,000.


Duna LLC to 201 Free­port Road LLC, car deal­er­ship or park­ing ga­rage or car wash, 201 Free­port Road, $1,575,766.


Nicho­las Fal­cone to Eliz­a­beth LaFor-

gia and Robert Saba, 411 Cal­i­for­nia Ave., $177,000.

Bald­win Bor­ough

UCG Forty One LLC to Chan­dra Rai and Ch­hali Bhu­jel, 956 An­gelo Drive, $165,000. Kody Robi­son to Josephine Em­manuel and Mark Ab­dul, 132 Cedar­cove St., $123,000. Home Buy­ing So­lu­tions Inc. to Wil­liam and Steph­a­nie Homa, 3223 Wil­lett Road, $138,000.


Linda Barry Rob­ert­son et al. to Pea­nut Cap­i­tal LLC, 451 Or­chard Ave., $60,000.

Bethel Park

Estate of Pamela McClos­key to Ryan Faw­cett, 2608 Bethel Church Road, $119,900. Dean Mar­tik to Trace An­drew Mar­tik and Rachel Eliz­a­beth Wal­lace, 1006 Tim­beridge Drive, $125,000.


Wendy Ritt­man to Ron­ald Madi­son, 1014 Third Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $6,500 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $65,436). Tim­o­thy James Stiv­en­son to Cen­tral Penn Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment LLC, 735 Ha­zlett Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $17,481 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $60,990).


Ja­cob Con­ley to GRK Con­sult­ing LLC, 2923 Wil­lett Road, $30,000.


Al­ex­an­dra Bar­one to Jo­shua and Jes­sica Hoff­man, 1353 Mis­souri Ave., $230,000.

Cas­tle Shan­non

Estate of El­len Griv­now to Adam Star­key and Pa­tri­cia Ale­jan­dra Vela Sal­a­zar, 1485 Blos­som Hill Road, $121,500.


Robert Lepsch to SFRES1 LLC, 212 Fairview Ave., $43,100.


Max­anna Prop­er­ties Inc. to Perry DeLuca and Steph­a­nie Pir­rone, 3773 E. Rural Court, $147,500.


Thade­linev LC to AW Best In­vest­ments LLC, 2603 Lin­coln Ave., $6,500. Lou­ise Jean Onusko to Kath­leen Pow­ers, 709 Wal­nut Ave., $58,000.


Pin­na­cle Max L.P. to RBC Cory 2 LLC, 1010 First Ave., $214,583. Chris­to­pher Pagani to M&I Prop­er­ties LLC, 924 First Ave., $24,000.


Adam Henry to David Klaus, 1650 Craf­ton Blvd., $65,000.


CR 2018 LLC to Keith Tip­ple and Tina Berta, 202 Bet­tis Road, $28,000. Wil­liam Snodgrass Jr. to Terry Lesko Jr., 505 Eu­clid Ave., $4,500.


Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp. to 50 50 Man­age­ment LLC, 1023 Grant Ave., $19,900. Frank Pic­co­lino to Melvin Her­nan­dez and Kim­berly Velaz­quez, 1304 Ross­ner Ave., $49,900. Roder­ick Hun­ni­cutt Jr. to Ja­son and Stacy Hollis, 209 S. Sixth St., $9,995.


Mary Tormey to Daniel and Mack­en­zie Kudirka, 217 Chest­nut Road, $475,000.

Eliz­a­beth Town­ship

Rich­ard Stof­fi­ere to Court­ney and Wil­liam Yot, 471 Jef­freys Drive, $190,000. Mary Blan­chard to Mat­thew Bur­nett and Alaina Koval, 115 Skyvue Drive, $153,750. Karyn Muse trustee to Devon James Quig­gle, 304 Ter­race Road, $95,000.


Law­rence Kisel­ica to Brian and Gretchen Marra, prop­erty, Burt­ner Road, $109,900. Mi­chael Kud­lac to Joseph Peter Panza III, 1098 Mill­er­s­town Road, $92,500.


Deut­sche Bank Na­tional Trust Co. trustee to 412 Con­trac­tors LLC, 217 Cran­brooke Drive, $80,000.

For­est Hills

Su­zanne El­li­ott Burt to An­thony and Kri­scinda Everitt, 113 Overd­ale Road, $190,000. An­thony Cal­dro to Jenna Chris­tine and Wil­liam Jay Goldby, 610 Wood­side Road, $279,000.

Fox Chapel

David Bruce Par­lour to Jo­shua and Julie Far­ber, 23 Old In­dian Trail Court, $945,250.

Frank­lin Park

FHS Real Estate LLC to Cait­lin Tho­mas and Travis McKeag Ros­tron, 2624 Tim­ber­glen Drive, $379,000.


Re­live Realty LLC to Mi­rage Real Estate LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 733 Mo­non­ga­hela Ave., $76,000.

Green Tree

Donna Vir­gin to David Bo­sack, 126 Reed Drive, $149,900.


Ron­ald Schmoll to Douglas Ger­zina, 5057 Harvest Lane, $111,519. Brook­field Relo­ca­tion Inc. to Dustin David and Al­ex­an­dra Nulf, 4661 Hid­den Pond Drive, $315,523. Veron­ica Marol to Frank and Mary Ann Jelic, 2572 Lah Road, $50,000.


Rich­ard Ward to Brenda DeCroo, prop­erty, Du­hurst Drive, $37,500. Prin­ci­pal Com­mer­cial Ren­o­va­tions LLC to Lau­ren and Nathan Tom­po­roski, 1313 Free­port Road, $202,000.


Mark Sil­berg to Ed­gar Faulk­ner III and

Anissa Faulk­ner, 94 Mer­gan­ser Drive, $570,000.

Jef­fer­son Hills

Maronda Homes Inc. to Durga and Deepa Kharel, 28 Bea­gle Court, $400,000. NVR Inc. to Patrick and Rebecca Tembo, 374 Greene Drive, $306,335. En­vi­ron­men­tally Sound En­ter­prises LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 391 Greene Drive, $60,000. En­vi­ron­men­tally Sound En­ter­prises LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Wash­ing­ton Drive, $60,000.


RHO En­ter­prises LLC to Nico­las and Kylie DiMi­chele, 26 Port­ers Hol­low Road, $253,000.


Joseph Got­tron to Craig Brad­ford, 41 New­gate Road, $185,000.


Robert Ulm to James Pen­nell, 4686 Lib­erty Way, $129,000.


NVR Inc. to 407 Fair­mont Drive LLC, 148-150 Sen­eca Place, $327,430.


James Sch­wab to Chel­sea Sch­wab, 1303 Bal­moral Drive, $150,000. Robert Rogers to Joseph Eliou, 1895 Dun­can Ave., $175,000. Ruth Hosek trustee to MEK Prop­er­ties LLC, 1271 Fass­inger Lane, $210,000. Jane Depee to Robert and Maria Rose Clarke, 314 Haugh Drive, $284,000. Tho­mas Bundy Jr. to Leo Tyler III, 140 W. In­go­mar Road, $210,000.

McKees Rocks

New Lock­hart LLC & RE 247 LLC to An­thony Joseph Staffa, 413 Gard­ner St., $37,000. Jon­a­than Sparks to Shan­non Dun­k­ov­ich, 126 Pat­ter­son St., $3,000.


Shaun Emery to Bri­anna Doonan, 2621 Har­ri­son St., $45,740. Ago­s­tino Spin­ozzi to Ken­nedy In­vest­ment Prop­er­ties LLC, 2111 High­land Ave., $5,000. Jane Cor­saro to David Wright III, 3001 High­land Ave., $59,000. Penn Pioneer En­ter­prises LLC to Robert Schoeb, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 1625 Lysle Blvd., $49,000. Robert Phil­lips to Lassine Niam­bele, 2112 Park Lane, $43,000. Da­mon Kemp to Eliz­a­beth So­s­taric, 816 Wood­ward St., $54,000.


Gita Pandey to An­drew Erick­son and Eliz­a­beth Stevick, 2706 Fourth St., $127,900. Zachary Zim­mer­man et al. to Katie Prov­iano, 119 Burke Drive, $170,000. Chris­to­pher Miller to Nicho­las and Marissa Huff, 431 Field­stone Drive, $135,000. Phi­lip Basala et al. to Nata­lia Gre­be­niuk, 1902 James St., $113,242.


John Gil­bert to Shay Fin­ley and Steph­a­nie Miller, 8001 Jor­dan Court, $477,500. Au­tumn L Stew­art Lynch to Justin Mi­chael and Amanda Nic­hole Ped­erson, 156 Ridge­wood Road, $342,500. ePro­tege LLC to Adama Ad­vance LLC, 4067 San­lin Drive, $181,500. Arvid Collins to Kous­tubh and Meenakshi Ash­te­kar, 103 Ship­pen Drive, $289,900. DPPA As­soc. LLC to Moon Ho­tel LLC, mo­tel, 8402 Univer­sity Blvd., $7,650,000. Bran­don Bay­lor to BGRS LLC, 2005 White Oak Court, $329,000. BGRS LLC to Aakif Mush­taq and Falah Ma­beel, 2005 White Oak Court, $329,000.

Mt. Leb­a­non

Colin McNickle to Roy and Sarah Pier­son, 277 Ca­talpa Place, $238,000. Les­lie Gar­rone to David Mikoloski, 921 N. Mead­ow­croft Ave., $251,155. Steven Schartup to Da­nielle and Wil­liam Miller, 554 Pat Haven Drive, $300,000. Estate of Al­bert Law­rence Filoni to Justin and Emily Losego, 641 Rock­wood Ave., $210,000. Adam Crow­ley to Mae Kerr, 494 Ser­pen­tine Drive, $137,000. Paul Hunter to Nicho­las and Jes­sica Croas­daile, 61 Wood­haven Drive, $494,900.


Estate of Alice Lutka to Kevin Kasarda, 3509 For­est Ave., $60,000.

North Brad­dock

Dale Brown Jr. to Shine Prop­erty Group LLC, 1521 Brin­ton Ave., $42,500. Deb­o­rah Jones to Madonna Wil­liams, 1447 Ridge Ave., $5,000.

North Fay­ette

Wil­liam Ver­meesch to Syn­dria and Edward Lowe, 104 Bridge­wa­ter Drive, $311,000. Patrick Brand­ner to Lynn Welch, 531 Cliff Mine Road, $81,600. Bette Guz­man to Sara Leary Haas, 111 Hill Place Drive, $306,900.

North Ver­sailles

Wil­liam Leader et al. to Wil­liam Leader et al. and Dar­lene Leader, car deal­er­ship or park­ing ga­rage or car wash, 1957 Lin­coln High­way, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $106,553). Estate of Lynda Bacco to Tracy and Eric Mitch­ell, 1440 Nita St., $113,000.


Ju­dith Deasy to Jean Sink, 640 Fifth St. Unit 309, $172,600.


Pitell Con­tract­ing Inc. to Ri­chele Rohrer, 230 Cheryl Drive, $269,203.

Penn Hills

Inez Ger­many et al. to Penn Pioneer En­ter­prises LLC, 823 Fifth St., by sher­iff’s deed $100,000 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $137,028). Eliz­a­beth Cic­cone to Alexis Pleva, 149 Ca­nav­eral Drive, $125,000. Paul Fleis­ch­man to Jo­shua Spiers and Jenna Grat­ter, 135 Cres­cent Hills Road, $140,000. Young Men’s Chris­tian Assn. Greater Pitts­burgh to Mon­ro­eville As­sem­bly of God, in­sti­tu­tional site, 11817 Frank­s­town Road, $1,094,000. Pa­tri­cia Rus­sell to Patrick Nadzadi and Scar­lett Solo, 260 Hil­lary Drive, $132,000. Les­lie La­monna to Da­nielle and Bran­don Sir­inger, 624 Idaho Ave., $145,000.

Mat­thew Miller to Luis C Gon­za­lez San­chez, 140 Lans­downe Drive, $124,000. Estate of George Mar­tin Gonta Jr. to No Risk Trad­ing Syn­di­cate LLC, 6422 Swan Ave., $57,000. Am­tex In­ter­na­tional Inc. to Aaron and Merissa Kay Stultz, 704 Veron­ica Drive, $139,900. Ralph Boss to Douglas Contest­abile and Lisa Ann Asti, 117 Yel­low­stone Drive, $143,500.

Penns­bury Vil­lage

Michelle Man­cosh to Chris­tina Spean­burg, 337 Penns­view Court, $132,900.


Gigli­otti Hold­ings L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 271 Ed­die Lewis Drive, $125,000. Pine Devel­op­ment Co. to Ben­ja­min Mar­cus Homes LLC, prop­erty, 227 Mur­rin Court, $150,000. Leo­nard La­bri­ola II to Kayla Lawler, 711 Park Plaza, $262,000. Pine Devel­op­ment Co. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 632 Tul­lam­ore Trail, $180,000.

Pleas­ant Hills

Scott Mack to Keith Ander­son, 212 Old Clair­ton Road, $90,100.


Estate of Margery Joy Thomp­son to Dana Thomp­son III, 305 Bar­nes Road, $130,000. Mario De­vine to Evan Wil­liams, 215 Duquesne Blvd., $179,900. Erika Lasch to Jamie and An­drew Sapo­rito, 103 LeBeouf Drive, $118,000. Estate of Laverne Monta­nari to Adam Hut­ter, 208 Nas­sau Drive, $130,000. NVR Inc. to Edward and Eliz­a­beth Ann Turner, 200 Scar­let Drive, $235,580. NVR Inc. to Tim­o­thy and De­n­ise Krause, 196 Scar­lett Drive, $240,755. Patrick Fur­ni­val to Kien Vu and Yen Thi Le, 127 Shep­ard Drive, $145,000.

Port Vue

Bev­erly Smith to Mi­chael Hen­der­son, 1302 Barkley Road, $37,500.


Ralph Cas­ci­ato to City­side Leas­ing L.P., 258 Fleet St., $15,000.


Cen­tury Prop­er­ties Gib­so­nia LLC to Camille Hold­ings LLC, prop­erty, 4100 Grand­view Drive, $1,200,000. Robert McAteer to Natha­niel and Jen­ni­fer Beuse, 3661 Sandy Hill Road, $580,000.


Sil­ver Sum­mit LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 142 Cole Drive, $275,000. Mary Wilkie to Peter and Katie Stauden­meier, 227 Field Club Cir­cle, $385,000. Estate of Mary Jane Berns­dorff to An­gela Marie Fazio and John Tem­pest, 19 For­est Grove Road, $266,000. Tseng Ta Peng to Araz Prop­er­ties LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 5920 Steuben­ville Pike, $1,087,500. Eric Taslov to Uli­ana Di­doshak, 740 Wind­vue Drive, $191,000.


Pamela Lynne Yasko to Eliz­a­beth Haney, 7 Pioneer Ave., $123,000.


Talin Cooper to David An­gle, 1120 Chatham Park Drive, $130,000. An­thony Met­ro­v­ich to Joseph Bou­los, 139 Green­briar Drive, $62,000. Shawn Jurica to Mi­chael Fon­t­a­nesi and Sarah Eliz­a­beth Hard­ner, 960 Lind­say Road, $195,000. Kevin Deitrick to Kim­berly Dove and Deb­o­rah Chap­pel, 2034 Swal­low Hill Road Apt 230, $123,000.

Se­wickley Heights

Juan Car­los Puy­ana to Paul Ray­mond and Kris­ten Holly Scragg, 15 Thaw­mont Drive, $700,000.


SK Ven­tures LLC to Con­nor Marchew­ski and Han­nah Fitz­patrick, 2706 Clare St., $205,000. Ste­phen Dugan to Zachary Hall and Skyler Bart­ley, 638 Ston­eridge Drive, $218,000.

South Fay­ette

NVR Inc. to Sri­kanth Chintha­k­indi and Shra­vani Par­i­mala, 3003 High­point Drive, $404,955. UCG Thirty One LLC to David and Anne Pa­o­li­celli, 5842 Long­view Cir­cle, $450,000. Peter Speak­man to Den­nis and Nancy Shaw, 6339 Oyster Bay Court, $215,000. Brad Wy­land to Su­san O’Don­nell, 321 Ridge Point Cir­cle B13, $78,000. Cheryl Stankiewiz to Haven­hurst 2 L.P., in­dus­trial site, 100 South­pointe Drive, $1,100,000. Char­ter Homes at Hast­ings Inc. to James and Carla Wheeler, 1131 Sray Lane, $280,000. Wal­nut Ridge Garden LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 4443 Wal­nut Ridge Cir­cle, $139,500.

South Park

Estate of Don­ald Wayne Tay­lor to Law­rence and Tif­fany Hind­man, 6338 Helen St., $134,000. An­thony Bor­ruso to David and Mancy Heath, 4112 High St., $397,000. Mar­tin He­brank to Rus­sell Deily, 1941 Kirkby Drive, $138,000.


Teresa Walker to Dom­i­nique John­son, 18 Krist Glen Drive, $97,500. Higher Power Homes Inc. to Peter Muza and Emily Dewey, 2525 S. Brad­dock Ave., $92,500.


Estate of Frank Pas­coe to Don­ald DeMichiei, 3 Maple St., $45,000.

Tur­tle Creek

George Iksic Jr. to En­ter­prise Bank, 345 High­land Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,684 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $28,500).

Up­per St. Clair

Na­tional Res­i­den­tial Nom­i­nee Ser­vices In to James and Kris­ten Har­ris, 2576 Giant Oaks Drive, $337,000.

West Deer

Bheru­mal Par­wani to Ber­na­dette Cas­ci­ato, 5035 Fox­wood Court, $183,000.

West Mif­f­lin

4JS Prop­erty Devel­op­ment LLC to Daniel Law­rence Bu­dal, 320 Diller Ave., $140,000. Phyl­lis Ko­ett to T&D

Real Estate Hold­ings LLC, 223 Douglas St., $8,000. West­wood Vil­lage Con­domin­i­ums LLC to John and Bette Giran, 1016 West­wood Lane, $284,144.

West View

Mark Wahl to Brook­field Relo­ca­tion Inc., 108 Bright­wood Ave., $151,500.

White Oak

Eric Petty to Ken­neth Char­les and Cassie Swauger, 1917 Cal­i­for­nia Ave., $125,000.


Scar­let Fire Hold­ings LLC to 742 Hill Avenue LLC, 742 Hill Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $103,854). Wil­liam DiPa­olo to Tay­lor Stan­ish and Nicho­las Theisen, 2331 Meadow Drive, $133,900. Ethel Par­ris to Elmer Par­i­ona trustee, 1533 Mon­tier St., $5,000. Milo Hold­ings LLC to Hosanna House Inc., com­mer­cial prop­erty, 801 Penn Ave., $275,000.

Beaver County

Beaver Falls

Kristi Lowe et al. to Donie Tay­lor and Diane Nel­son, 2523 Ninth Ave., $8,000.


Ryan Davies to Ben­e­dict Fra­tan­geli, 457 In­sur­ance St., $130,000.


Law­rence Leo to Ron­ald and Mikala Reed, prop­erty, Aspen Drive, $26,500. Shaun McCoy to Weichert Work­force Mo­bil­ity Inc., 115 Bar­rett Drive, $296,000. Weichert Work­force Mo­bil­ity Inc. to Chad and Dawn Beer, 115 Bar­rett Drive, $296,000. Aaron Ngo to Kyle Jude and Amanda Lynn Young, 108 Cot­ton­wood Drive, $285,000. Ben­ja­min Liptak to Chris­tie DiVit­tis, 247 Edge­wood Drive, $265,000. Os­car Weaver to Jo­shua McCanna and Michelle Kout­sourais, 405 Sh­er­wood Drive, $207,000. Chris­tie DiVit­tis to Ash­ley Eberle, 3170 Tus­car­a­was Road, $182,500. Jesse Jor­dan to Jamie Jef­fers, 111 Wil­low St., $15,000.


Justin Swog­ger to Steven and Elaine Buhon­ick, 110 Biskup Lane, $143,000. Bluffs at Glade Path 2 L.P. to NVR Inc., con­domin­ium prop­erty, Cade Drive, $105,000. E. Chris­tine Moo­ney trustee to Eric Bobeck, 247 Stone Quarry Road, $159,000.


Leo Brian Meier to Dy­lan Walsh, prop­erty, Hick­ory Drive, $32,500. Like New Prop­er­ties LLC to Joseph and Kody Antes­berger, 140 Mar­lene Drive, $182,000.


PNC Bank NA to Steven and Mi­chael Small, 1829 Droz Ave., $55,000.


Jerry Schaf­fer to Brian and Kelly Jo McClean, 172 Wood­row Drive, $72,000.


David Waxler to Rich­ard Wodarek and Alexis Saun­ders, 573 Shaf­fer Road, $211,500.


Tyler James Ken­nedy to Jes­sica Ni­cole Cal­len­der, 1227 Eu­clid Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $35,621).


NCHI Hold­ings LLC to Rid­ge­top Ap­pa­la­chia LLC, prop­erty, 219 Beth­le­hem Church Road, $515,777.


Kelly Zeigler to Scott and Kerri Sny­der, 1210 Mid­land Beaver Road, $99,900. Veter­ans Ad­min­is­tra­tion to Wil­liam Shawl Jr. and Dawn Re­nee Men­ich, 133 Sun­rise Drive, $82,450.

New Se­wickley

Steven Leicher to Mat­thew Neff and Lau­ren Tas­sos, 10 Fezell Road, $170,000.


Veter­ans Ad­min­is­tra­tion to Jesse and Mag­gie Mar­tin, 701 18th Ave., $55,500.


Wil­lene Ander­son to Laird Build­ers Inc., 176 and 190 Holt Road, $265,000.

Roch­es­ter Bor­ough

John Mat­thew John­ston to An­drea Ondo, 196 Clay St., $77,000.

South Beaver

Mat­thew Hill to Katie Zombeck, 755 Black­hawk Road, $153,500.

South Heights

Fred­er­ick Louis Reisker to Justin Bie­sen­kamp, 1925 Fourth St., $15,000.

West May­field

Francis Wag­ner to Re­nee Nor­ton, 600 Sand Aly, $87,000.

But­ler County


R&W Estates LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Twin Oaks Drive, $56,000.

But­ler Town­ship

Ra­chael Bie­nias to Or­ren Do­err, 71 Old Plank Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $44,415). Wyn­crest Dev Inc. to Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC, prop­erty, Wyn­crest Drive, $100,000. Justin Werner to Camilo Ro­drigo Florentino Dasilva and Fabi­ane Ste­dile Dasilva, 201 Wyn­crest Drive, $277,000.


S. Mat­thew DiPippa et al. to Val­ley Spe­cial Needs Pro­grams Inc., prop­erty, 311 W. Boyd Ave., $8,600. Tim­o­thy Croft to Char­les James Edwards Jr., 234 W. Brady St., $5,510.


Mat­thew Buc­cieri to Brian and Saman­tha Shick, 111 Sun­burst Court, $290,000.


Karla Dietz to Bai­lie Ha­zlett and Derek Jon Tabacheck, 361 Gold­scheit­ter Road, $230,000.

Con­no­que­ness­ing Town­ship

Cheryl Kosco to Nicho­las and Chan­tell McCurdy, 152 Reiber Road, $190,000.


Law­rence DeCicco to Diane Car­roll, 141 Blue Ridge Drive, $280,000. Ron­ald Sny­der to Ben­ja­min Dwight and So­nia Marie Stew­art, 122 Klein Road, $635,000. Jen­ni­fer Hall to Adam Pic­cuta, 111 Lew­isham Road, $229,000. carol Ann Kul­backi to Ron­ald Sny­der, 108 Wayne Drive, $190,000.


Robertt Cong­don to Douglas and Diane Miller, 120 Char­lotte Drive, $345,000. Maronda Homes Inc. to Jen­ni­fer Lynn and Mi­chael John Nanna, 104 Kruger Cir­cle, $305,196.


Maronda Homes Inc. to Mark Francis and Lisa Pal­loni Fico, 309 Baron Court, $336,009. PPDA L.P. to NVR INC, prop­erty, Prada Place, $75,000. NVR INC to Lind­say and Ryan Rich­ards, 417 Prada Place, $397,650. Dar­ren Mo­le­ton to Rich­ard and Lau­ren Pale, 127 Roll­ing Hills Drive, $213,000.


Estate of Tho­mas Pro­rok to The­odore Pro­rok, 175 Pat­ton Road, $200,968.


Peter Bos­tic to Steph­a­nie Bos­tic, 2044 Eagle Ridge Drive, $67,261. NWPA Prop­erty Dev L.P. to NVR INC, prop­erty, 3010 Hum­boldt Place, $92,000.

Slip­pery Rock Bor­ough

Clar­ion County Com­mu­nity Bank to Kent and Linda Biery, 134 Nor­mal Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $24,500).


Darla Reid to Larry Arndt, 158 Wolf Lane, $118,000.


John Phil­lips to Na­tional Char­ac­ter Ed­u­ca­tion Foun­da­tion, 204 N. Main St., $120,000.

Wash­ing­ton County


Lake­view Loan Ser­vic­ing LLC to J & A In­vestings LLC, 200 Frye Ave., $25,130.


Craig Bowser to Seven­tysev­en­man­age­ment LLC, 217 First St., $80,701. Robert Cook to Ja­cob George, 398 Mal­den Road, $139,900.


Ryan Porter to An­drew and Ash­ley Stan­ton, 306 Craw­ford St., $135,000. C & C Con­crete LLC to Verm­lou Prop­er­ties Inc., com­mer­cial prop­erty, N. Jef­fer­son Ave., $10,000. Miles Walker to Justin Roney, 406 Ridge Ave., $99,000.


Rebecca Coul­ter to Dom­inic Bush, 114 Can­cilla Drive, $98,000. NVR Inc. to Har­mony and Lewis Os­borne, 1200 Clear Springs Drive, $303,960. Tho­mas Hal­lam to Zacha­riah and Saman­tha Bellhy, prop­erty, 135 Hal­lam Road, $164,000. Over­look At South­pointe LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Overview Drive, $86,091. Over­look At South­pointe LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Overview Drive, $86,091. NVR Inc. to Wes­ley and Traci Batch­elder, 4018 Overview Drive, $573,930. NVR Inc. to Sal­man Khan, 4023 Overview Drive, $522,110.


Estate of Dom­in­ick Zangla to Kent Wade Phil­lips, 14 Arch St., $20,000.


Pi­att Estates Chart­iers L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, High­pointe Drive, $80,000. R. Vic­tor Sulkowski to School­house Hold­ings L.P., com­mer­cial prop­erty, 600 N. Main St., $70,000. John Ho­skin to Jared and Brid­gett Gerba, prop­erty, 165 Welsh Road, $290,000.

Cross Creek

Wells Fargo Bank trustee to Park­wood Prop­er­ties LLC, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 76 Nic­k­o­lay Road, $339,150.


An­gela Gray to Colby Elias and Rebecca Crowe, 158 Main St., $81,999.


Apryl San­chez Stevens to Amy and Clif­ford Kauer, 1033 McKean Ave., $20,500. Melissa Foltz to Kim­berly Tho­mas, 802 White Drive, $69,900.


H P Starr Lum­ber Co. LLC to Twin Lake Hold­ings LLP, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Amer­i­can Way, $205,000.


Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp. to Breann Hro­voski and Kur­tis Cain, 699 Old Route 71, $19,900.


Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp. to WINS In­come Group LLC, 552 Kings Creek Road, $155,000. Ste­phen Kla­dakis to Dar­ren and Amy Romano, 99 S. Kings Creek Road, $375,000. Lane Fam­ily Key­stone Trust Agree­ment to An­drew and Tami Toth, 164 Steuben­ville Pike, $275,000.