Real estate transfers

Al­le­gheny County


2nd Ward

Mark David Edwards to Alice and Paul Bar­nett, 320 Fort Duquesne Blvd. 14K, $337,000.

7th Ward

Elias Mi­chael Ab­dou et al. to Charie Prop­er­ties LLC, 522 Roslyn Place, $283,775.

9th Ward

Lind­say Mer­rill to Samuel Quinn Boso and Emma Eliz­a­beth Ervin, 146 Al­mond Way, $212,000.

10th Ward

Les­lie Ker­nan to Kath­ryn Klie and James Check­elsky, 717 52nd St., $235,000. San­dra Tho­mas to Awais Yousaf, 1035 Duffield St., $172,000. Brid­gette B Tip­ton VanAmer­in­gen to Kath­ryn Dick­in­son, 1741 Duffield St., $289,200.

13th Ward

Bar­bara Rus­sell to Erik My­eres, 2013 Sonny St., $81,500.

14th Ward

Jef­frey How­ell to Kris­tin Cum­mings, 3088 Beech­wood Blvd., $440,000. The First United Meth­od­ist Church Pitts­burgh to Nora Simp­son and Ja­son Stew­art, 422 Buck­nell St., $387,500. Robin Nic­hol­son to Randy and Ther­ese Bates, 1310 Fair­stead Lane, $521,000. Estate of Patrick Coyne to Tho­mas and Jamie Hoff­mier, 626 Hast­ings St., $204,500. Stan­ton Weiser to Amie Rogala and John Patrick Hart­nett, 5841 Mor­row­field Ave. Unit 104, $140,000. Mar­ga­ret Bourg to Lance Lindauer and Laxmi Shah, 1627 Park­view Blvd., $915,000. Kris­tian Kase­man et al. to Brian and Elle Seanor, 6834 Si­mon­ton St., $141,250. Doro­thy Kenna es­tate et al. to Zachary and Natalie Mar­shall, 6629 Wood­well St., $465,000.

15th Ward

Vir­ginia Hor­gan to John Mol­nar, prop­erty, 317 Path Way, $5,000.

17th Ward

Steven Crich­ley to Alex Kress Ma­jors, 1039 War­ring­ton Ave., $205,000.

18th Ward

Tim­o­thy Roper to Eric and Su­san Lu­cas, 444 Bai­ley Ave., $328,000.

19th Ward

Estate of Frank Broc­colo to Steven Lasser, 1404 Alver­ado Ave., $210,000. Da­nielle Eisen­barth to Sean Con­roy and Nicho­las Mi­hel­cic, 830 Bay­ridge Ave., $40,000. Theresa Cherep et al. to Kevin and Adri­ana Doyle, 226 Kramer Way, $45,000. Jo­shua Mi­chulka to Markus Klose, 332 Mer­ri­mac St., $225,000. Jes­sica Fur­janic to Beechview Com­mu­nity 4 LLC, 1509 Methyl St., $87,500. Wil­liam Chester to Slava and Inga Bar­a­vik, 1604 Na­po­leon St., $55,000. John Moore Jr. to Joce­lyn Or­tego, 1314 Oakridge St., $120,000. Nor­man Fla­herty to Mi­chael Ruby Jr. and Hilary Ruby, 400 Sweet­briar St., $363,000. Ar­chie McKin­ney Jr. to Na­tesa Sloan and Robert Mat­zen, 1233 Wood­bourne Ave., $108,500.

20th Ward

Ron­ald Robin­son et al. to BOO 06 LLC, 1286 Car­na­han Road, $38,000. Guan­shan Xian to An­drew Hieber, 814 Ernie St., $2,000. Penn Pioneer En­ter­prises LLC to Den­nis Orsen and Linda Theo­philus, 506 Her­schel St., $20,000. SLC In­vest­ment Hold­ings LLC to Vladimir Stu­lak, 1173 Shady­crest Drive, $42,000. Laura Minck to Brett But­ke­wich, 2815 Stra­chan Ave., $164,500.

24th Ward

Pabean Prop­erty L.P. to Ron­ald and Emma Wil­son, 1530 Hat­teras St., $205,000. Joseph Konz­ier et al. to Han­taw Prop­er­ties LLC, 1305 Tell St., $22,500. Vin­cent Kasiev­ich to Vi­tao Gao and Hua Luo, 14 Wa­ter­front Drive, $510,000.

25th Ward

Frank Boyd et al. to Three Rivers Prop­er­ties LLC, 1613 Brigh­ton Road, $80,000.

26th Ward

MNMT Prop­er­ties LLC to Ralph Wil­son, 632 Woods Run Ave., $96,500.

27th Ward

Ruth Lorena Hall trustee to Ja­cob Prosser, 106 Book­bind­ers Cir­cle, $169,000.

28th Ward

Ja­son Bla­hovec to Ja­son Notaro and Amanda Schaefers, 1410 Kin­mount St., $151,000.

29th Ward

Cop­per­field Avenue Land Trust to Noah David Camp­bell, 375 Cop­per­field Ave., $71,300. Joan Schuerle trustee et al. to Dunia Vil­la­lo­bos, 502 Laugh­lin Ave., $51,500. Mi­chael Plaks to Naina Kuikel, 2381 Valera Ave., $120,000.

32nd Ward

Bran­don Enos to Kelli Brin­dle, 2823 Fern­land St., $139,900.


Lau­ren Usher to Paul and Megan Spriester­bach, 112 Emer­son Ave., $580,000.

Bald­win Bor­ough

Durga Kharel to Me­nuka Dahal and Mad­hav Subedi, 430 Bal­co­n­ade Drive, $190,000. Wells Fargo Bank NA trustee to Gen­naro Group LLC, 655 Blos­som Drive, $76,000.

Bald­win Town­ship

GEAP LLC to Court­ney Hoff­man, 627 Dewalt Drive, $179,900. Rich­ard Moody trustee et al. to Bruce Baker and Robert Conti, 856 Roll­ing Rock Road, $160,000.

Bethel Park

Wil­liam Tim­o­thy Few to Justin and Amanda Moskal, 5684 Glen Hill Drive, $220,000. Ryan Weis­ter to HPA US1 LLC, 5919 Kings School Road, $210,000. Bran­don Wil­liam Mueser et al. to David Naple, 5976 Mo­non­ga­hela Ave., $220,000. Helen Knud­sen to A Lexei and Iolanta Klim­chuk, 2665 Santa Bar­bara Drive, $140,000. Al­bert Baum­gar­tel Jr. to An­drew Knuth III, 5861 South­amp­ton Drive, $161,600.


Conan Gless­ner et al. to Luci­lle and George Hoover, 1026 Stie­ren Ave., $53,000.


Mi­chael Both­well to Al­ex­an­dria DeBarto, 32 Marylea Ave., $124,900. Ar­bol Prop­er­ties LLC to Saman­tha Cal­la­han, 4215 Tuxey Ave., $150,000.


Ralph Zec­chino Jr. to Jo­shua McCall and Sara Chon, 248 Mur­ray Ave., $83,500.


Yevhen Lut­siv to Aaron Tate and Kat­rina Bas­sett, 506 Jus­tus St., $135,000.

Kait­lin Max­ine Clark to Loucif Bechir, 127 Moun­tain Drive, $168,000. Ash­ley Leonzio et al. to Joseph Ross, 428 Wil­cox St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $112,119).


Thade­linev LLC to AW Best In­vest­ments LLC, 4606 Bat­aan Ave., $2,000. Estate of Mabel Gis­sen­dan­ner to Joseph Lit­tle, 735 Large Ave., $3,000.


Ray­mond Dur­kalski to Gregg and Kris­ten Palas­tro, prop­erty, 180 Bald­win Road, $120,000. Wil­liam Beale to David and El­len Lamar, 350 Wil­liamsburg Court, $560,000.


Pin­na­cle Bell L.P. to RBC Cory 2 LLC, 1021 First Ave., $300,417. AIH LLC to RBC Cory 2 LLC, 422 Mill St., $188,000. KeyBank NA to Robert Klug, 1301 Vance Ave., $38,000.


Fouad Sal­man to Chris­to­pher Baker and Teri Mas­cel­lino, 18 S. Grand­view Ave., $145,000.


Home Buy­ing So­lu­tions Inc. to UCG Thirty Four LLC, 1109 Il­li­nois Ave., $86,000. James Bach­man Jr. to Da­nielly Or­tiz, 1214 Okla­homa Ave., $110,000.


An­drew Hrizo to Kosko Paint­ing LLC, 318 Craw­ford Ave., $10,000.


Alan Pat­ter­son III to Mar­ga­ret Sobk­o­wiak, 155 Lloyd Ave., $235,000.

Eliz­a­beth Town­ship

Justin Brad­ley to Robert Dan­forth III and Cristi Guyaux, 2117 Lawn­view Drive, $140,000.


Daniel Meier to Zai­nat Abed, 61 Vil­sack St., $115,000.


Amanda Cole­man to Pen­nyMac Loan Ser­vices LLC, 367 Old Mill Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,735.


NCHI Hold­ings LLC to Rid­ge­top Ap­pa­la­chia LLC, prop­erty, Clin­ton and En­low Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $458,773). David Ma­thews to Mi­chael Cole­man Jr. and Bri­anna Te­trault, 41 Rodgers Drive, $327,000.

For­est Hills

Jamie E Nei­ley Sca­lise to An­drew McA­fee, 1000 Brad­dock Road, $97,500. David Volk to James and Stacy Lem­ley, 425 De­ca­tur Ave., $167,900. Ste­phen Mole to Jamie and Lynne Cle­mente, 134 Fair­fax Road, $229,900. Phi­lip Ionadi to Brid­get Ridge, 10 New­port Road, $165,000. Geor­gina Felker to Jeff Ort­man, 241 Wood­side Road, $125,000.

Frank­lin Park

Wil­liam Batyke­fer to John David Har­mon Jr. and Greta Har­mon, 2414 Roch­es­ter Road, $200,000. Dar­ren Ma­cioce trustee to Domenico Luigi and Luri Mai­uri, 2293 Salem Drive, $459,000. Bar­bara Har­ley to Kara Cos­tello and Patrick Jef­frey Tret­tel, 1608 Val­ley View Court, $369,000.


Joseph DeRiso Jr. to Gregg Gar­r­ity and Mon­ica Se­mego, 3950 Auld Ave., $210,000.


John Pro­fo­zich to Ron­ald Galore, 363 Lo­cust Hill Road, $50,000. Helen Hro­bak to John Walls, 200 Or­chard Ave., $43,500.


Car­tus Finan­cial Corp. to An­thony and Sara Kluczkowski, 229 Chinka­pin Drive, $234,900. Anna Basar to Pamela Hitch­ens, 1101 Dal­las Ave., $52,500.

Jef­fer­son Hills

Aaron Zuknick et al. to Luci­lle Du­gas, 119 Dale St., $120,000. Maronda Homes Inc. to Ami­ran Ga­fu­rov and Leylo Yu­su­pova, 405 Spaniel Lane, $389,411. Estate of An­thony Ber­nardo to McNeilly Realty As­soc., com­mer­cial prop­erty, State Route 885, $350,000. Mar­i­anne Green trustee et al. to E3 Real Estate LLC, restau­rant, 1101 State Route 885, $235,000. En­vi­ron­men­tally Sound En­ter­prises LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Wash­ing­ton Drive, $60,000. NVR Inc. to In­dra and Binda Kharel, 148 Wash­ing­ton Drive, $432,555.


Eve­lyn Oza­n­ich to David Bull, 33 Castleview Drive Unit 31G, $220,000.


Nicho­las Giver to Martha and Elaine Golden, 102 Vic­tory Lane, $145,000.


Nicho­las Pet­ro­v­ich to James and An­gela Gatchie, 2804 C Street, $38,000.


RT Part­ners L.P. to Hiren and Bhavna Surti, prop­erty, 655 Chil­liwack Lane, $150,000.


Koren­ich & Cico­zzi Con­tract­ing LLC to Mi­chael and Mary Kry­nak, 1813 Guy­ton Road, $263,900. Estate of Jean Rus­sell to Su­san Brody and Julie Nyse­wan­der, prop­erty, Hard­ing Road, $20,000. Eli Pey­ro­nel to Tina Kacz­marek, 7962 Man­ville Drive, $180,000.

McKees Rocks

Vicki Meloni et al. to DBP Ren­tal Prop­er­ties LLC, 422 Sh­ingiss St., $10,000. US Bank NA trustee to Jac­que­line Davis, 12 Val­ley St., $12,550.


Clau­dia Phil­lips to Lou­isa Amor, 2412 James St., $250,000. Steven Paul Lands­man to Rich­ard Nei­d­inger and Cyn­thia Hay­cock, 429 Lex­ing­ton St., $32,000. Mar­lin Kim­brew to To­m­ica Fitz­ger­ald, 1304 Su­mac St., $67,500.


Cory Pe­lesky to Tim­o­thy Mas­saro and Kay­lie Gessler, 106 Col­lege Park Drive, $124,900. Kimbelle Evans trustee et al. to Wilco Tango Fox­trot Prop­er­ties LLC, 1200 Old Con­cord Road, $106,000. Scott Sil­baugh to Zane Gar­rett Conaway et al. and Mi­cha­ela Joy Walker, 212 Spar­tan Drive, $167,500.


Jon­a­thon Corn­well to Melissa and Brook Kress­ley, 302 Blake Court, $199,900. Wire­less Am­bi­tions Inc. to Col­leen Lig­gett, 1017 San­lin Drive, $69,900. Leo­nadfr Pfe­ifer to Adama Ad­vance LLC, 1021 San­lin Drive, $68,000.

Mt. Leb­a­non

Brandt Rouse to Mi­chael Bay­less, 930 Bower Hill Road, $204,000. Kara Rae Get­kin to Louis Irizarry and Chloe Zid­ian, 1171 Cedar Blvd., $210,500. Jane Barba to Kevin Fran­zese and Ai­leen Chou, 851 Coun­try Club Drive, $270,000. Marc Young to Mia Chiesa and Amuel Robert Aves, 101 Hoo­dridge Drive, $350,000. Duc Tran to Chris­to­pher and Mary Peak, 217 Ques­tend Ave., $262,500. Renu Pok­horna to Sivram Bandhu and Eliz­a­beth Brin­darova, 792 Scrub­grass Road, $324,000.

Mt. Oliver

K Tem­pest Group LLC to L8 Hol­di­nigs Ltd., 118 Mar­ga­ret St., $442,000.

North Fay­ette

Rich­ard Ire­land to Alaina Gour­ley and Travis Reiser, 226 Aber­deen Drive, $225,000.


Estate of Rich­ard Hem­phill to Maria and Graham Coyle, 126 Crofton Drive, $415,000.


Brooks & Blair Wa­ter­front Prop­er­ties L.P. to Gary Shank and Jan­ice Prin­gle, 24 Al­le­gheny Ave., $495,000.


TOA Sum­mer Seat L.P. to Pramila Ra­go­owansi, 123 Sum­mer Seat Lane, $462,228.

Penn Hills

Yvette B Burks Adams to Car­rie Adams, 206 An­thon Drive, $75,000. Tyler An­dring to An­thony Pez­zula and Brit­t­any Hautz, 337 Golden Gate Drive, $152,000. Joseph Ha­jdu to Rich­ard Ter­rien and Mary Joy Walker, 625 Idaho Ave., $131,500. Erik Kun­sel­man to An­gela Hughes, 933 Jef­fer­son Heights Road, $82,500. Estate of Louis Tas­sari to Jes­sica Greco, 132 Lans­downe Drive, $139,850. Toni Baker to Jor­dan and Ruby Waite, 145 Luci­lle Drive, $175,000. MAS Prop­er­ties Inc. to Ven­tec Re­frig­er­a­tion Real Estate LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 2535 Main St., $130,000. David Ste­phen Shick to Shae’Rhonda Good­wine and Jack La­mont Jones, 2718 Main St., $66,000. Kelly Phil­lips et al. to Kelly Phil­lips, 1748 Out­look Drive, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $38,304). New Lock­hart LLC & RE 247 LLC to M Don For­bush trustee, 352 Whit­tier Drive, $35,000.


Swin­der­man Devel­op­ment LLC to Patrick and Pa­tri­cia Laffey, 147 Brook­field Estates Drive, $473,417. Dan Ryan Build­esr Mid At­lan­tic LLC to Court­ney Lope and James Lopez, 544 Douglas Drive, $319,400. NVR Inc. to Equity Trust Co. Cust FBO Rich­ard John Ro, 112 Ham­il­ton Drive, $391,650.

Pleas­ant Hills

Stella Ko­s­tante to Lind­say Hart, 358 Toura Drive, $202,000.


Jo­shua Lester to Tho­mas Gray Jr., 1749 Grove Crest Drive, $175,000. Estate of Don­ald Schell to Gina White and Douglas Pas­tor, 113 Nas­sau Drive, $120,000. NVR Inc. to Kris­ten Krauss and Wal­ter Krauss III, 601 No­vem­ber Drive, $380,285. NVR Inc. to For­rest Wal­dron, 194 Scar­lett Drive, $219,260. Emma Chew to Hunter and Mat­thew Aubele, 116 Steur­na­gel Lane, $106,500.

Port Vue

Bryan My­ers II to James Moss­burg, 1112 Bev­erly Road, $47,000.


Ryan Woo­ten to RD Prop­erty Hold­ings L.P., 120 Pat­ti­son Ave., $10,000.


Cozza Bar­tel & Usel­ton LLC to Bryan Keenan and Elena Mag­aly Nava Servin, 2010 Ken­zie Drive, $140,000. Sil­ver Sum­mit LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 225 Sonni Lane, $96,600. Sil­ver Sum­mit LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 249 Sonni Lane, $96,600.


NVR Inc. to Lau­ren Geier, 102 Cur­tis Court, $276,980. Estate of Robert Wood­side to De­n­ise O’Leary, 133 Isolda Drive, $220,000. Limer­ick Land Part­ners L.P. to Nan and Shixia Shao, 111 Pine­val­ley Drive, $416,660.


Estate of John Crich­ley to BPA Hold­ings L.P., 700-702 Doolit­tle Ave., $100,100. Scott Rich­ard Fis­cher to John and Belinda Kent, 757 Lind­say Road, $162,500. Ross Done­hue to Gre­gory Ste­phen Glowaski, 1656 Norsen Drive, $160,950. Steven Haff­ner to Marla Pichora, 724 Robin­wood Drive Unit 3, $109,000. Estate of Mil­dred Dun­lap to Ter­rance and Kelly Pey­ton, 58 Rose Leaf Road, $265,500.


Cafe’ Land Group LLC to Estelle In­vest­ments LLC, restau­rant, 409 Beaver St., $1,400,000. Court­ney St. Clair Yates to Robert Kopf III and Mar­tina Kopf, 661 Can­ter­bury Lane, $955,430.


Estate of Erika Maciejeski to Jef­frey Susi and Kel­sey Hack­ett, 213 Elfin­wild Road, $154,500. Chris­ti­ana Trust trustee to SIH Proj­ects LLC, 514 Fri­day Road, $40,000. Kath­leen Bar­toldi to Nadja and Aaron Helm, 204 Iola St., $229,500.


Luke Koval to Tu­laPup LLC, 808 Spring Way, $82,500.

South Fay­ette

New­bury Devel­op­ment As­soc. L.P. to John Morn­ing­star, prop­erty, 1564 Cel­e­bra­tion Cir­cle, $85,000. Nanak Saw­lani to Mat­thew and Jes­sica Hor­zempa, 8422 David Drive, $378,000. Chris­to­pher Ho­ep­fin­ger trustee to Mi­chael and Ger­al­dine Ho­ep­fin­ger, 635 Deer Watch Road, $140,000. Nan­cie Sch­nei­der to Carolyn Julianna Mroz, 2331 Fire­thorne Road, $121,000. Hua Cheng to Kevin and Cris­tina Kumpf, 438 Pine Val­ley Drive, $420,000. Brian Tim­check Jr. to Tyler and Molly Flu­harty, 328 Sygan Road, $238,500. Brook­field Relo­ca­tion Inc. to Gar­rett and Lau­ren Mol­loy, 1315 Vil­lage Lane, $315,000.

South Park

Estate of Phi­lip Pre­klas to Gar­rett and Ash­ley Swin­d­ell, 5030 Car­dox Road, $90,750. Wil­liam Daw­son III to Mark and Na­dine Dorn, 1013 Piney Ridge Drive, $290,000. Patrick Leo­nard to Mi­chele Capac­cio, 1339 Snee Drive, $234,000.

Spring­dale Town­ship

Daniel Lewis to Mary Sue McMil­len, 157 Cam­bridge Drive, $190,000.


Lu­ciano DiNunno et al. to Roman Kreymer, 505-507 Rus­sell­wood Ave., $32,500.


Ste­phen Tierno to Ros­alyn Rap­in­ski, 17 Krist Glen Drive, $88,500. Mil­dred Me­halko to UCG Fifty LLC, 130 Lil­mont Drive, $35,000.


John Dar­rah to Wil­liam Mitch­ell III and Erin Dickey, 131 Heuser Way, $21,400. Patrick Tobin to Mat­thew Men­tecky, 241 W. Tenth Ave., $38,000. US Bank NA trustee to Keylink Global LLC, 333 W. Ninth Ave., $2,625.

Tur­tle Creek

Loren Tyler Wea­don to Jarid Jesih, 831 Eliz­a­beth St., $95,500. Ann M Miller Noll to Carol O’Toole, 401 High­land Ave., $56,000.

Up­per St. Clair

Luiz Frazao to Na­tional Res­i­den­tial Nom­i­nee Ser­vices In, 1013 Piney Ridge Drive, $337,000.


An­gela Chris­tine Ber­rin­ger et al. to Valarie Lynn Hamer, 505 Penn St., $0 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $63,042).

West Mif­f­lin

Kelly A Ryce Ko­niec­zny to Evgue­nia Klei­men­ova, 3811 Clark St., $40,000. Clif­ford Tay­lor to Wil­liam Scar­paci and Deb­ora Hill, 578 Leb­a­non Manor Drive, $110,000.

West View

Brook­field Relo­ca­tion Inc. to Amanda Blount, 332 Mer­ri­mac St., $151,500.

White Oak

San­dra Wunder­ley et al. to Right Real Estate LLC, 1162 Pres­cott St., $60,000.


Ca­sey Zabela to Joseph Car­roll, 222 Shad­ow­lawn Cir­cle, $121,000.


Karen San­iga to Chan­tel Miller, 261 Cline St., $78,000. Wells Fargo Bank NA trustee to Robert Wright, 288 Cline St., $14,700. Robert Ayres Jr. et al. to Marc Gold­stein and Paul Wolfe, 816 Eliz­a­beth St., $37,500. Jef­frey Ar­nold to Sophia Tan, 128 Pow­ell St., $129,900. Jesse Todd to John Ward, 874 Steven­dale Drive, $83,500.

Beaver County


Mi­chael Bechak to Vin­cenzo Gol­letti, 2359 Ad­mi­ral St., $119,900. Har­ri­ett L Pharr Hicks to Chris­to­pher Lamar Hill­man and Chan­tel Kyrstin McCoy, 1225 Main St., $85,000. Ter­rence To­mei to Gavin Veney, 1827 McMinn St., $68,900. Western Penn­syl­va­nia Res­i­den­tial LLC to All About Houses LLC, 1830 Polk St., $39,600.


Estate of An­drea Ivancik to Keith Pletz, 925 Glen­wood Ave., $21,000. Deut­sche Bank Na­tional Trust Co. trustee to Harold John Kon­ter, 1621 Henrici St., $13,500.

Beaver Falls

Kevin Cin­dric to Ju­met Finan­cial LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 621 Seventh Ave., $35,000. James Moore Jr. to Slade Hold­ings LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 818-822 Seventh Ave., $50,000. First Na­tional Bank PA to Paul and Tina Greiff, 1600 W. Ninth St., $23,500.


Spen­cer Key Jr. to Ja­son Ou­dit, 491 East End Ave., $182,000.


Beaver Falls Re­de­vel­op­ment LLC to Tom and Tracy Plevel, 1321 Sharon Road, $36,000.


Cheryl Ara­ne­icka to Ron­ald Buchanan Jr. and Porsche Lan­ette Buchanan, 103 Brid­get St., $305,000.


Myrna Jean Fabri­zio to Maria Durci, 1320 Con­way Wall­rose Road, $108,000.


Mary Ann Atwell to Wil­liam Patrick Reilly, prop­erty, Ridge Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $22,786).


Tim­o­thy Wise to Brian Wise, 2660 Wood­land Road, $62,000.


Mark Turk­ov­ich to C & B 1 LLC, 2788 Jack St., $68,000. Ralph W Char­les Dinardo to Vin­cent and David Mar­sick, 101 Mor­row Ave., $15,000.


Daniel Bor­ato to Austin Schip­per, 1319 Mid­land Beaver Road, $131,000. Daniel Mal­lary to Leo­nard and Eliz­a­beth Amthor, 106 Mid­way Ave., $112,000.


Anna Mae Becker to Tho­mas Bowser et al. and Jeanne Bowser, 309 13th St., $65,000. Graham Lewis Hod­getts to Ryan Mead­ows and Mar­cus Mi­cha­lik, 801 Co­lo­nial Ave., $73,500.

New Brigh­ton

Jef­frey Lowry to Dante Arm­brust, 1351 Second St., $46,500. Laraine Hicks to Mi­chael Good, 1401 Penn Ave., $109,000.

New Se­wickley

Lester Ruck­ert to Ken­neth Jo and Jenna Ruck­ert, 6 Fezell Road, $95,000.


Dar­rel Mar­tin to George and Linda Mrao­vic, prop­erty, 6242 Tus­car­a­was Road, $11,000.

Pat­ter­son Heights

Char­les Smith to Deb­o­rah Smith, 60 Dar­ling­ton Road, $180,000.


Deb­o­rah Daliman to Edward and Penny Mal­loy, prop­erty, Holt Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $13,930).

Roch­es­ter Bor­ough

Den­nis Mor­timer to Dawn Mohr­bacher, 420 Jack­son St., $15,000.

Roch­es­ter Town­ship

Shir­ley Rini An­dri­otti to Wal­lace & Bur­kett LLC, 706 Vir­ginia Ave., $100,000.


Ruth Ne­smith to Peter Jack­son, 2300 11th Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,537 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $44,377).

But­ler County


Bon­ita Sch­river to Eric and Amy Huff, prop­erty, Aiken Lane, $100,000. Douglas Titchen to Dar­ren and Jes­sica Mo­le­ton, 549 Plains Church Road Leg­is­la­tive Route, $370,000.


Travis Rice to April Spahn, 130 Wash­ing­ton St., $85,000.


Mary Etta Or­ris to Jes­sica and Patrick Bar­nes, 206 Howes Run Road, $160,500.

But­ler Town­ship

JPMor­gan Chase Bank NA to Vicky But­ler, 205 Car­ring­ton Ave., $78,880. Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC to James Em­rick and Tay­lor Rae Ritenour, 143 Wyn­crest Drive, $283,000.


Melissa Hil­liard to James and Donna Clark, 115 E. Pat­ter­son Ave., $116,900. Vir­ginia Bowser to Jay and Jen­ni­fer Fen­nell, 308 Wal­nut St., $72,500.


John Rader to Jo­shua Cooper, 496 N. Duffy Road, $137,500. Eliz­a­beth San­dala trustee to Erik Rose, 1900 N. Main St. Ext., $165,000. Mi­chael Kelly to Emily Bre­s­na­han and Roy Horne Jr., 209 North Drive, $195,000.

Con­no­que­ness­ing Town­ship

Mi­chael Mitch­ell to Mark Lupinacci et al.

and Sharon Kramer, 101 Pine View Cir­cle, $55,000.


John Ster­ling to Chris­tian and Heather Hess, 806 Trow­bridge Place, $319,900. NVR INC to David Cu­tone, 713 Truth Lane, $293,340. Cath­er­ine Scheller to Den­ham Prop­er­ties LLC, 956 Wood Hol­low Drive, $75,000.


Peach­mont Farms LLC to NVR INC, prop­erty, 152 Pau­line Place, $82,825. HP Penn­syl­va­nia LLC to HPA JV Bor­rower 2019-1 ML LLC, 117 Wil­liams Point, $10 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $561,274).


Anne West­brook to Dal­ton Ar­blaster, mo­bile home site, 103 Ar­berg Lane, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $46,424).


Gigli­otti Hold­ings L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Eagle Ridge Drive, $115,000. Don­ald Di­et­rich to Cary and Cheryl Fester, 402 Mushrush Road, $135,000. John Wachter et al. to Gre­gory and Re­nee Vanarts­da­len, 110 Park Drive, $258,900.


Mi­chael An­thony Hal­la­han to Rich­ard McCann, 123 Oak Ridge Drive, $257,500. Robert Stark II to 267 Pitts­burgh Realty LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 305 Pitts­burgh Road, $750,000.


Brian My­ers to Sax­ony Re­dux LLC, 209 Pitts­burgh St., $182,000.


Penn­syl­va­nia Hous­ing Finance Agency to In­ter­state Build­ers, 249-249A Chicora Road, $24,000.


Gary Mey­ers to Mi­chael Bud­ner, 1051 Win­field Road, $130,000.

Wash­ing­ton County


George Johns to Gre­gory Moniuszko and Melissa Mor­ris, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 207 Dy­na­mite Road, $385,000.


Wells Fargo Bank NA trustee to Mar­jorie Lee Tea­gar­den, 12 Eu­clid Ave., $21,500.


Veter­ans Ad­min­is­tra­tion to Madi­son Lavezoli, 2 Third St., $68,000. Fred­er­ick Aheimer to Tim­o­thy and Su­san Fix, 2011 Bandek Lane, $305,000. NVR Inc. to Brian Gold, 1202 Clear Springs Drive, $272,040. NVR Inc. to Lei and Weila Gong, 1208 Clear Springs Drive, $286,330. NVR Inc. to Caleb Rich­ard­son Jr. and Selene Rich­ard­son, 4017 Overview Drive, $532,690. Alethea Evan­ge­lista to John Austin Vargo IV and Erica Gha­reeb, 1020 Sky­line Drive, $690,000.


Wells Fargo Bank trustee to CR 2018 LLC, 641 Old Na­tional Pike, $13,500. Mi­chele Cramer to Al­ex­an­der and Carol Shashura, prop­erty, Vesta 7 Road, $3,500.


Brady Kov­al­chuk to KZ Prop­erty Hold­ings LLC, 1013 1/​2 Lower Meadow Ave., $7,000. Jared Dal­ton to Jo­shua Lee Hagg, 1115 McKean Ave., $15,000.


Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC to Todd and Amy Fidler, 27 Haw­thorne Drive, $228,500. Pi­att Estates Chart­iers L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, High­pointe Drive, $78,000.


Char­les Ray Shut­terly es­tate et al. to Edward Locker, RES, Mel­don Ave., $13,692.

East Beth­le­hem

Car­man Gillis to Mil­dred Jay, 24 Black Dog Hol­low Road, $2,000.


Scan­nell Prop­er­ties 312 LLC to Stag In­dus­trial Hold­ings LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Star­pointe Blvd., $28,250,000. Hanover Town­ship to David and Clau­dine Young, 901 Steuben­ville Pike, $72,200.


JPMor­gan Chase Bank to Justin Lorch, 278 S. Buf­falo Road, $13,500.


Ron­ald Kraeer to Wash­ing­ton Finan­cial Bank, 212 Fourth St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,015.


Mo­non­ga­hela Area Cham­ber Com­merce to David McPher­son, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 211 W. Main St., $100,000.

North Charle­roi

David Jack Sulitz to By­ron Vasquez and Ericka Guevara, 712 High­land Ave., $13,000.

North Frank­lin

Trin­ity South Prop­er­ties LLC to Regis Seng, real es­tate, Cum­ber­land Ave., $13,000.

North Stra­bane

Scott Maulsby to Fed­erico and Lori Gia­lone, 505 Hick­ory Cir­cle, $98,078. Muir­field Land Part­ners LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Un­known Ad­dress, $82,100. James Ron­cace to Rose­ma­rie Pal­laria, 152 Se­deca Drive, $177,500. Al­ex­an­dra Lynn to Carol and War­ren Ritchey, 1006 Woo­dridge Drive, $330,000.


Mi­chele Mist­of­felees to Joseph Krzy­wicki, 101 Lin­tel Drive, $305,000. Na­tional Trans­fer Ser­vices LLC to Gar­rett and Jen­ni­fer Gar­fold, 59 Lin­tel Drive, $362,500.


Mar­rans Con­tract­ing LLC to Carl Gard­ner Jr. and Rene Gard­ner, prop­erty, 425 Buck­ing­ham Road, $247,000.

South Frank­lin

Vi­o­let Nelan et al. to Lau­ren Kramp­ert, 137 Mounts Road, $110,000.

South Stra­bane

Estate of Norma Ly­cans to Saman­tha Jo Chad­wick and Joseph Patrick Buchanan Jr., 55 Bea­gle Club Road, $136,500. Estate of Rich­ard Black­hurst to David Ray­mer, 85 Kish Ave., $87,000. J An­gelides En­ter­prises L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Mor­gan Drive, $68,000. Paul Craw­ford to Ben­nan and Lacie McDon­ald, 5 Mum Drive, $212,500. Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC to Col­ton Wil­liam Hower and Toni Ann San­tonas­tasso, 2198 Shawnee Drive, $257,000.


Estate of Al­bert John Bryde­bell Jr. to Ken­neth Giehll et al. and Ava Giehll, 3485 Ivy Hill Lane, $155,000. John Ranft to Mary Moro­setti, 6040 Route 88, $174,500.


Mark Russo to Eugene and Mary Beth Raggi, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 450-452 Third St., $56,000. Daniel Avery to Rich­ard Thomp­son, 196 McAdam Ave., $83,000.

West Beth­le­hem

Terry Sham­blin to James War­gha, 34 Broad St., $44,000.

West­more­land County


Sun­crest Homes Inc. to Tho­mas and San­dra Harr, 439 Chest­nut Lane, $253,900. Chris­to­pher Slomka to Mat­thew Tracy and Ab­i­gail Woods, 736 Sun­rise Drive, $245,000.


Keith Bos­sart to Glo­ria Sabo and Ger­al­dine Bum­baugh, 211 Cam­bria Ave., $125,000. Arthur Rich­ards to Vic­to­ria Stone­braker and Karen Stokes, 620 In­di­ana Ave., $49,000.


Robert Bur­ton to Mi­chael Ernesty, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 2274 Route 66, $50,000.

Derry Town­ship

Estate of Armeda Gray to Don­ald and De­n­ise Ritenour, 4781 Route 982, $105,000. Karl Kest­ner to Jen­ni­fer Dienes, 905 W. First Ave., $149,900.

Done­gal Town­ship

Prot­es­tant Epis­co­pal Dio­cese Pitts­burgh to Nol­nacs LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 275 280 Meadow Road, $730,000.

East Hunt­ing­don

Di­ana Gummo to Ryan Kirby, Un­known Ad­dress, $17,000. Diane Foltz to US Bank NA, 247 Cot­tom Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,638.

East Van­der­grift

An­thony Klem to Jef­frey McClain, Elm St., $13,000.


Scott Tar­ris to Ja­son Flora, 541 E. Pitts­burgh St., $186,000.


Wells Fargo Bank NA to Kevin and Jo­shua Aley, 1005 Arona Road, $19,900. Brian Miller to Adri­ano and Kim­berly Rossi, 512 Austin St., $249,000. Agnes Amanda Cas­sady to Troy Faulk, 625 Buck­ing­ham Drive, $210,400. Gary Fisher to Rich­ard Wal­lace, 254 Lake­view Drive, $235,000. Scott Blat­nica to Paul Bova, 619 Ridge­wood Drive, $663,505. Toya Eubank to Mid­first Bank, 56 S. Lin­coln Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,542. Hemp­field Town­ship to Mat­thew and Gust Kuhns, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Wendel Road, $3,300.


Joseph Lape to Shawn and An­gela McMil­len, 120 Rail­road St., $125,000.


An­drew Grif­fin Jr. to Larry Smith, 418 Lo­cust St., $164,700. Wilm­ing­ton Sav­ings Fund So­ci­ety FSB to JGM Real Estate So­lu­tions LLC, 611 Penn­syl­va­nia Ave., $12,000.


Gar­rett Pepe to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 407 N. Seventh St., by sher­iff’s deed $2,080. Shir­ley El­li­ott to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 1816 SR 130, by sher­iff’s deed $2,874.


Re­nee Root to Mary Jo Mer­ichko, 212 Ger­trude St., $85,000. DHS Prop­er­ties LLC to Stan­ley Oakes and Joan Ewanits, 9 Marie Road, $185,000.

Lig­o­nier Town­ship

David By­ers to An­thony Bucci, 143 Pheas­ant Cir­cle, $110,000.


Eric Graham to Dawn Gnesda, 336 E. Main St., $150,000.


Vin­cent Patrick McClure to Justin Werner, 102 Beaver Road, $149,900. R Helfer & As­so­ci­ates to Sally Puzak, prop­erty, Wild­wood Drive, $12,800.


Hawk Vesta LLC to Frank Irey III and Brit­t­any Irey, 6 Lin­den Ave., $37,000. Kevin Alva­rez to Ron­ald Stoner, 49 Scen­ery Blvd., $89,900. Estate of Mary Jane Barker to Reed Com­merce LLC, 110 Sur­rey Ave., $40,000. Elaine Burke to Cai­ley Gray, 57 Wil­low Drive, $118,500.

Mt. Pleas­ant Town­ship

Lauri Means to Tho­mas and Janet Beck­er­leg, 1771 SR 982, $213,000. Robert Quinn to Justin and Sara Schi­pani, 114 Se­wickley Creek Road, $226,000.

New Florence

John Beard to Aaron and Jamie Beck, 198 Tenth St., $10,000.

New Kens­ing­ton

Joel Nic­hol­son to Lamar Lee III and Michelle Lee, 449 Fifth Ave., $125,000. David Sle­z­ickey to Sandeep Singh and Param­jit Narang, 258 Glen­view Drive, $134,900. Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn. to Her­minio Colon Jr., 864 Ken­neth Ave., $10,500.

North Belle Ver­non

Domenic Men­dicino et al. to Terra Land Ser­vices LLC, 505 Broad Ave., $45,000.

North Hunt­ing­don

Francis Gradis­chek to Bank New York Mel­lon, 1601 Jonah Drive, by sher­iff’s deed $3,154. Bran­don Miller to Gre­gory and Amanda Gil­li­land, 530 Per­e­grine Drive, $262,500. Linda Stitely to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 221 Short St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,236.

Penn Town­ship

Black­thorn In­ves­tors LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, St. An­drews Court, $99,900. NVR Inc. to Dar­lene Sem­inko, 1033 Wedge­wood Drive, $356,875.


Jerry Hun­sicker to Colby James and Marissa Paige Scul­lion, 130 Sweeney Cir­cle Drive, $199,900.


Ryan Buczak to Paige Spisso, 1281 Old Wil­liam Penn High­way, $187,700. Helen Howard to Evan Corna, 134 Story Road, $135,000.


Carl Pil­lit­teri to Ja­son Inc., 789 Her­m­i­nie Road, $33,200.

South Hunt­ing­don

Anne Marie Celap­ino to Jon­a­than and Holly Yen­cha, 150 Mt. Pleas­ant Drive, $260,000. Edward Sap­in­sky et al. to Scott Magee, prop­erty, State Hill Road, $150,000.


Lewis Re­ich to Lewis Re­ich et al. and Cyn­thia Pat­tyn, 301 Vista Drive, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $116,102). Mi­chael Tho­mas Leach­man to Nicho­las Chimino and Don­ald Moyer, prop­erty, Washinko Road, $57,000. WP Latrobe Devel­op­ment LLC to Brock and Megan Weaver, 3014 White Pines Drive, $505,372.


David Shaporka to JPMor­gan Chase Bank NA, prop­erty, 220 S. Third St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,513. Char­les Nit­ter­ri­ght to Tho­mas Alan and Lisa Jeanne Grim, 40 S. Fourth St., $53,000.