Real estate transfers

Ru­pela, 122 Pine­val­ley Drive, $463,055. Estate of Pa­tri­cia Tay­lor to Joseph An­thony’s LLC, 110 Schars Lane, $227,500. David Sch­leis to Patrick An­thony Healey Weiss, 115 Up­per Ar­row­head Road, $127,700.


Chris­to­pher Volk to An­drew Nie­der­riter, 67 Clairview Drive, $188,000. Robert Kapty to Co­rey Farmer, 132 Knox St., $110,000. Top Value Prop­er­ties L.P. to Winter Slate In­vest­ments LLC, 37 Lind Way, $89,000. C. James Bond trustee to Brian Poitras and Eliz­a­beth Weiser, 1654 Moynelle Drive, $162,000.

Se­wickley Hills

James Mills to Ven­kata­ra­manan Ra­jagopa­lan and Brit­t­any Palmer, 185 Sweet­wa­ter Drive, $585,000.


Robert Munro to SJ Group, 268 Bank St., by sher­iff’s deed $106,000 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $164,616). Chris­tine Clark to Adam Mitch­ell and Lil­lian Can­non, 344 Bank St., $500,000. Camp­bell Hawkins to Mat­thew Guyaux trustee, 864 Elm­hurst Way, $635,000.


Ja­son Plawski to Svit­lana Lahish, 107 El­len St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $57,171). Pa­tri­cia DiPasquale to Jac­que­line Ward, 2901 Fir Drive, $165,000. Irma Kear­ney to Joseph Stre­iff, 119 Grand­view Ave., $148,000. Estate of Mary Ann Gall­ishen to John Wolfen­dale, 192 Martha Ave., $105,900. Ken­neth Wilkin­son to Brett and Tracy Fagan, 357 Mar­zolf Road, $167,000. Rich­ard Dmitrzak to Kevin Strell and Lil­lian Oberle, 103 Ver­mil­lion Drive, $237,000.


Al­le­gheny County Re­de­vel­op­ment Au­thor­ity to David Sim­mons, 217 Lin­den Ave., $8,700. Davis Land Co. L.P. to Peter Wil­liam Adams and Mi­chael Patrick White, 1403 S. Canal St., $296,900.

South Fay­ette

Ven­tures Trust 2013-1-H-R to Char­les DiLoreto, 4401 Bat­tl­e­ridge Road, $65,550. In­fin­ity Cus­tom Homes L.P. to Lon­nie McDanel and Brenda Petri­lena, 1521 Cel­e­bra­tion Cir­cle, $869,000. Cur­tis Rep­pert to Di­ana Welch, 3148 Lau­rel Ridge Cir­cle, $123,900. Wil­liam Bald­win to Theresa Hogg, 537 Main St., $109,900. Suneel Gill to Mary Lou­ise Price, 1239 New­bury High­land Drive, $294,400.

South Park

Gre­gory Hamp­ton to Ash­leigh En­glert, 3004 Dara Drive, $128,800. Char­les Det­wiler to Mat­thew Tho­mas, 2975 Se­bolt Road, $110,000. H. Jay Varner to Wilm­ing­ton Sav­ings Fund So­ci­ety FSB trustee, 1204 Sta­tion St., by sher­iff’s deed $4,192. Estate of Deh­nad Taiedi to Pri­scilla Jane Moore, 1700 Stoltz Road, $325,000.

Spring­dale Bor­ough

Wil­liam Men­tecky to Kandice Mori, 370 Col­fax St., $82,000. Ju­dith Joyce to Leah Lis­owski, 163 James St., $98,000. Estate of Vir­ginia Va­lig­ura to Chris­to­pher Roxby, 416 Wil­low St., $75,000.

Spring­dale Town­ship

Estate of Kath­leen Jane Miller to Mar­tin and Denaya Brown Trem­per, 127 Wil­liams St., $180,000.


Estate of Rich­ard Heck­ert to Rich­ard Heck­ert II and Sta­cey Heck­ert, 621 Broad­way St., $69,900. Lor­raine Grega to DBP Ren­tal Prop­er­ties LLC, 172 McCoy Road, $15,000. Robert Stringert Jr. to AAA Hold­ings LLC, in­dus­trial site, 1208 McKee St., $300,000. Toni Fowkes to Frank Kelly, 432 Phil­lips Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $94,620). Paul Bag­don to Rich­ard Devero, 614 Ridge Ave., $10,000.


Ala Ha­jdar­wish to Sarah McCormick, 2221 Del­a­ware Ave., $185,000. John Witt to Mea­gan Steiner, 1437 Macon Ave., $161,000. Anna Lou­ise Wallo to Mi­chael McNamara, 1514 Man­sion Pl, $161,000. Fred Just to Rachel Mary Cos­tello, 1023 Mil­ton St., $335,000. David Soltesz to Wes­ley Brown and Mela­nie Mi­chele Jor­dan, 7127 Schoyer Ave., $191,000.


Jackie Art­man Gaughan to Key­stone Three Rivers Prop­er­ties LLC, 500 E. Ninth Ave., $72,000. Estate of Ruth Rid­dle to Lorie House­holder and Vir­ginia Lee Chu­pek, 122 W. 12th Ave., $91,000. Keylink Global LLC to Don­nie Bates, 333 W. Ninth Ave., $14,900. Wells Fargo Bank NA to Tho­mas and Dar­lene Brown, 710 Western St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $24,852).

Tur­tle Creek

Rich­ard Shaner to Edward Ol­sak­ovsky, car deal­er­ship or park­ing ga­rage or car wash, 1303 Air­brake Ave., $52,000. Anne Marie Jack to Chris All­wein, 543 James St., $63,000. Gre­gory Mat­thews to Mark and Mecca Lee, 406 Larimer Ave., $22,000.

Up­per St. Clair

Si­mon Rosen­berg to Robert and Lisa Bunn, 480 Clair Drive, $395,000. Joseph Marie to Patrick and Jes­sica Mor­gan, 2480 Cort­land Drive, $292,000. Den­nis Perry to Shawn Welch and Arleen Zizak, 2304 Hid­den Timber Drive, $291,000. John Bis­chak to Ja­son Bouchard and Melissa Onodi, 2610 Si­esta Drive, $220,000. Jill Sut­ton to Trent and Amanda Op­fer­man, 1808 Sillv­iew Drive, $255,500.


Don­ald Wayne Tho­mas to La­tonda Kim­brew, 115 Har­phen St., $189,900.

West Deer

Su­san Ko­zlina to Nor­man Ed­win and Anita Rachel Fla­herty, 1131 Links Way, $330,000.

West Mif­f­lin

Mary Ryan to Mi­chael and Ni­cole Kelly, 108 First Ave., $33,486. Adam Hay­bib Owen to Robert K Malkin & As­soc. Inc., 202 Fifth Ave., $40,000. JPMor­gan Chase Bank NA to James Grimes trustee, 521 Divi­sion St., $55,050. Nancy Bonacci to John Mi­chael and An­drea Lou­ise Rice, 1937 Gina Drive, $382,000. Rat­nik Real Estate LLC to Chris­to­pher Amodeo Jr. and Ali­cia Har­mon, 4317 Green­springs Ave., $100,000. Cor­ne­lia Fitz to John and Pa­tri­cia Pa­jer, 734 Ha­zel St., $55,000. Cas­san­dra Bar­ton to An­gela John­son, 1839 Homestead Duquesne Road, $89,900. Chris­tine Chipo­nis to Rich­ard Ohler, 4310 Ken­ny­wood Blvd., $2,015. Sharon L Fite Ro­john to Cas­san­dra Bar­ton, 1805 Maine Ave., $90,000. Wells Fargo Bank NA to Path­way Cap­i­tal Al­liance LLC, 3637 Out­look Drive, $56,500. Na­tion­star Mort­gage LLC to E3 Real Estate LLC, 717 Shady Lane, $75,400.

West View

Sarah Foster to Wells Fargo Bank NA, 127 Bronx Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $3,051. Joseph Berube to Brad­ley Wilkins and Chris­to­pher Kirsch, 427 High­land Ave., $179,900. Janet Pa­jak to Joseph Aiello Jr., 66 Park Ave., $137,850.

White Oak

Joseph Sim­nor Jr. to Dante Wil­liams,

1664 Faw­cett Ave., $166,900.


Estate of Char­lotte Clark to Tek Upreti and Dipti Khadka, 4773 Dover­dell Drive, $202,500. Estate of Mona Rose Rod­den to Peter and Mara Milan, 19 Hen­nig Drive, $134,000. Ter­rance Law­son to Mort­gage Re­search Center LLC, 321 Southvue Drive, by sher­iff’s deed $1,709.


Estate of An­drew Micha­now­icz to Ber­nard Reed and Amy Tate, 334 Bradds­ley Drive, $230,000. Chris­to­pher Newham to Craig Newham and Joce­lyn Hil­len, 137 Delaney Drive, $117,500. Bil­lie Joe Tay­lor to Jef­frey and Lorine Gal­la­gher, 220 Har­wick Drive, $230,000.


Anita Gas­sette to Loran and Brenda West Evans, 1108 Bes­sica St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $26,448). Joseph Can­n­ito to Ah­mad and Pinky Khan, 727 Frank­lin Ave., $112,000. Lukus In­vest­ing & Fu­ture En­ter­pris­ing LL to Pal­ais Real Estate LLC, 911 Frank­lin Ave., $22,000. Carole Mapel to Chris­to­pher Wil­liams Water­kotte, 1053 Osage Drive, $80,000. Yury Palenyy to LSG 57 LLC, 517 S. Tren­ton Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $76,608). CP Devel­op­ment to Ronal San­doval, 413 South Ave., $45,000. Karen Fre­dette to Char­les and Shel­ley Beck­mann, 617 Whit­ney Ave., $400,000.


A. George Mertz to Howard McFad­den Jr., 402 Mid­dle Ave., $15,000.

Beaver County


Rachel Guen­ther to Wells Fargo Bank NA, 2116 Ad­mi­ral St., by sher­iff’s deed $12,041. Diane Capozza to Jerold Au­gus­tine, 2384 Calvert St., $124,000. US Bank Na­tional Assn. Co-tr to Al­bert Dinello Jr., 910 Grand Ave., $26,000. Mi­chael Hicks to Ger­ald Black and Karis­tan Wil­son, 210 Jar­vis St., $4,000. Fred Cook to Ada Crumb, 1819 McMinn St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,594 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $52,735). Dawn To­mei to Real Estate Cash Flow In­ves­tors LLC, 1904 McMinn St., $30,000. Re­nee Dan­io­cek to Joseph Sim­nor, 2360 Mill St., $113,000. Adri­enne Price Jeter to Craig Parker, 190 Shaf­fer St., $1,532 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $53,730).


David Mol­nar to David Ole­jar, 719 Kerr St., $88,000. Wil­liam Day Karas to Jack­son Carter, 274 Laugh­lin St., $8,000. Kevin Moss to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 199 Lo­cust St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,108. John Mra­zov­ich to Law­rence Mil­ten­berger et al. and Kath­ryn Mil­ten­berger, 209 Maple­wood Ave., $47,000.


Dean Seese to Eliz­a­beth and Joseph Talarico, 129 State St., $137,000. Dot­tie Rambo to Ever­green RE Devel­op­ment LLC, 608 State St., $54,766.

Beaver Falls

Erik Funk­houser to Harper Group Inc., 1013 Tenth Ave., $1,218 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $29,850). An­thony Strati et al. to Chippewa Con­struc­tion Co., 815 23rd st, $21,000. Kel­ley Hoff­man to Kyle Fred­er­ick, 1504 W. Eighth St., $119,900.


Estate of Mary Carl to Char­les and Pa­tri­cia Cas­bourne, 870 Fourth St., $135,000.

Big Beaver

Roger Welsh II to Stacy and Mark Main­war­ing, 462 Fair­lane Blvd., $375,000.


Joseph McBride to Kevin and Kel­sey Hanna, 110 Ap­ple­tree Drive, $232,500. John McBride to Mar­ga­ret Medva, 509 Lion Ave., $337,000. David Bretch to Jo­anna and Daniel New­ton, 1110 Tus­car­a­was Road, $139,900.


NVR Inc. to Tho­mas Laz­a­rus, 2004 Cade Drive, $206,280. Robert McLean to Mark and Heather La­pa­g­lia, 166 Cedar Ridge Drive, $268,400. James McKenna to Robert McLean and Steven Ander­son, 108 Pine Haven Court, $465,000.


Ted Traver to Don­ald Alan and Rhonda Michelle Dare, 163 Oakville Road, $134,000. Mark La­pa­g­lia to Ni­cole Karcze­w­ski, 122 Sun­view Drive, $230,000.


Ste­phen Louis Badamo to Jen­ni­fer Katek­ov­ich, 1301 13th St., $116,600. Estate of David Mar­cin­iak to Bran­don Glenn, 901 Second Ave., $105,000. Estate of John Pi­hon­sky to Mi­chael and Janet Hil­liard, 1232 Third Ave., $79,000. Mark Cheek to Jo­shua and Re­nee Sa­bolick, 905 Eighth Ave., $144,000.

East Roch­es­ter

Vicki Buck to Tim­o­thy Huerbin Jr., 806 Seventh St., $119,000.


Sherry Lynn Newill to James Droz, prop­erty, Shell Drive, $15,000.


Ron­ald Tho­mas to Cody Lud­wig and Krys­tal Pe­abody, 329 But­ler Ave., $106,250. Mi­chael Mal­tar­ski to James Fisher, 1129 Mian St., $118,000.


Douglas Hupp to Scott McCand­less and Selena Blair, 317 Ray­mond St., $130,900.


David Wayne Ad­kins to Law­rence Wil­liams, 104 Union Lane, $20,000.


Car­o­line Veah­man to Glenn Francis Veah­man, 964 Old Mill­creek Road, $7,000.


Deur­sche Bank Na­tional Trust Co. Tru to John McNary, mo­bile home site, 509 Hardins Run Road, $57,750. Al Gaudino to Euge­nie and Rob­bie Ander­son, 1540 Route 30, $16,400.


Mark Logan to Mi­chael Wil­liams Jr., 1030 Spruce St., $112,500.


Ray­mond Kubis et al. to Kayla Stu­pak and John Lorenz, 1316 Agnew Ave., $90,000. David Der­bish to Jesop Fat­tore, 4309 Bev­erly Drive, $165,000. Teresa Ar­mel to Robert Smith, 2031 Brod­head Road, $143,000. Ron­ald David Pe­nar to Pin­na­cle Prop­erty En­hance­ments LLC, 17 High St., $42,500. Douglas Red­den to Mi­chael We­hrle and Cath­er­ine De­witt, 301 Pine Drive, $225,000. Con­cetta Piroli to Michelle Sloan, 1302 Ram­bler Drive, $192,000. Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn. to Eric and Eliz­a­beth Meyer, 4401 S. Bev­erly Drive, $138,000. Dawn To­mei to Adam Wil­son and Beth­any Hill, 2413 W. Main St., $94,000. Cathe­rina Dip­i­etro to Cait­lin Kep­hart, 2415 W. Wade St., $77,000.


Pa­tri­cia Loomis to James Meade Loomis, 2328 Second Ave., $94,000. Lin­arelli Fam­ily Lim­ited Part­ner­ship to Rudy Kelosky, 2503 Second Ave., $35,000.


Estate of Joseph Simp­son to Kay­leigh Na­gel, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 216 Ben­venue Road, $147,200.

New Brigh­ton

John Tho­mas Glaab to Jef­frey and Dar­lene Shoaff, 835 Tenth Ave., $60,000. Lee Hostet­ter to Feng Qiu Dong and An Huang, 605 Fifth Ave., $40,000.

New Se­wickley

Linda Lee to Brian and Jo­anna Gray, 604 Old Glory Lane, $300,000. Rich­ard Duke to Kath­leen and Larry DeVin­nery, 286 Patriot Lane, $330,000.

North Se­wickley

LeRoy Thomp­son Jr. to Mi­chael and Rebecca Stan­ton, prop­erty, 2130 Park Gate Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,515 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $9,751). Wil­liam Ward to Nathan Sch­erer and Chel­sea Vaz­quez, 142 Ter­race Drive, $210,400.


Eric Chaf­fee to Bruce and Ra­chael Flem­ing, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 505 Lis­bon Road, $262,500.


Estate of Robert Rus­sell Meskow Jr. to Jamie Meskow, 314 Pleas­ant Drive, $70,000.


Juanita Bay­lis to Mar­ion Hill LLC, 3918 41st Ave., $27,500.

Roch­es­ter Bor­ough

Lester Rambo III to L3 Prop­er­ties Two LLC, 530 Jack­son St., $35,000.

Roch­es­ter Town­ship

Larry Rose et al. to Ter­isa Sci­mio, 630 Con­necti­cut Ave., $48,500.

South Beaver

Rich­ard Lewis to Rick Haug, prop­erty, Lis­bon Road, $18,000.

But­ler County


Rich­ard Mon­tanti to Linda Les­lie and Keri Jor­dan, 1901 Am­bas­sa­dor Lane, $316,900. Mark Spe­har to Marc DelBrocco and Kate­lyn Zig­gas, 101 On­tario Court, $585,000. Ste­phen Joseph to Tim­o­thy Gas­ton Jr., 106 Penn St., $212,000. Mi­chael Geubt­ner to Wil­liam Neal and Alice Lor­raine Luc­chi, 143 Res­o­lu­tion Drive, $485,866. Wood­land Trace LLC to An­drew and De­n­ise Grand­i­netti, prop­erty, 128 Wood­ford Drive, $114,900.


Shan­non McCreary to Sun­trust Mort­gage Inc., 646 Mud­dy­creek Drive, by sher­iff’s deed $50,000.


Lori DeFilippi to Bren­don Docherty, 107-101D Creekside Drive, $219,900. David Zem­brzuski to Kris­to­pher and Jenna Brown, 636 Shook Drive, $262,500. Mil­dred Sarver to Eric and Bar­bara Beers, 860 Sun­set Drive, $179,900.

But­ler Town­ship

Kathy Travers trustee to Nicho­las and Holly Fleis­cher, 115 E. Muntz Ave., $119,900. Larry Moc­ulski to MLG Land Devel­op­ment Inc., 344 Garden Ave., $27,000. Court­yards Kren­dale L.P. to Rich­ard and Pamela Dmitrzak, 3004 Tu­dor Drive, $282,590. Ean Spinetti to Kur­tis and Elaine Steven­son, 120 W. Metz­ger Ave., $195,000. James O’Rourke to Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp., 339 Whi­tes­town Road, by sher­iff’s deed $20,000.


Den­nis Hawk Jr. to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 216 First St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,493. Harry Berg­bigler to Nancy McMil­len, 109 Cross St., $42,300. Penn­syl­va­nia Hous­ing Finance Agency to Mat­thew George, 316 Mitch­ell Ave., $23,500. US Bank NA Tr to Con­rad Ren­tals LLC, 406 S. Sixth Ave., $33,500. Cait­lin Lar­kin to First Guar­anty Mort­gage Corp., 313 Walker Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,404.


Daniel Bonzo to Rebecca Lynn Eber­sole, prop­erty, Br­anch­ton Road, $29,000.


De­n­ise Heinle to Sean and Lind­say Heinle, 386 Sun Mine Road, $323,000.

Con­no­que­ness­ing Town­ship

Estate of Ber­na­dine Lea­sure to Mary Karen McLis­ter, 3072 Kens­ing­ton Court, $198,000.


Sea­foam Prop­er­ties LLC to Glo­ria Cun­ning­ham, 304 Bell­ford Court, $152,000. Calvin Bur­rell to Brian Sea­man and Kala Joseph, 541 Bran­dy­wine Drive, $169,900. Frieda Regan to Dax and Lori Howard, 563 Bran­dy­wine Drive, $169,300. Ryan Ren­nig to Amanda Jayne Kar­nath, 1564 Garvin Road, $287,000. Eric Buzard to An­drew and Jac­que­line Barkus, 831 Glen­dale Court, $283,500. NVR Inc. to James and Kathy Mills, 107 Moyer Hill Road, $299,990. Tho­mas Bice to Tim­o­thy and Joanne Car­ranza, 412 Set­tlers Vil­lage Cir­cle, $520,000. NVR Inc. to An­dre Car­valho Gon­calves DeAze­vedo and Eli­ana Mar­tins, 921 Twi­light St., $406,910. Park Place Mar­ket­ing LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 923 Twi­light St., $100,000. Rich­ard Max­well Jr. to Kevin and Pa­tri­cia Fla­herty, prop­erty, Union­ville Road, $23,000. Chris­to­pher Hoch to Scott O’Brien et al. and Lyn Hanke, 6 Wheat­field Drive, $282,000. Mi­chael Schulz to Ja­son Carey and Shelli Luchs, 307 Win­chester Court, $358,763.

Evans City

Carol Baker to Joseph and Ash­ley Kow­alski, 130 Crest­wood Drive, $349,500.

Fairview Town­ship

Seth Walker to James and Kayla Kerr, 285 Buena Vista Road, $225,000.


Peach­mont Farms LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 425 Joseph Drive, $87,500. Peach­mont Farms LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 427 Joseph Drive, $87,500. Ron­ald Volz to Joey and Tina Det­wiler, 266 Mar­ga­ret Lane, $4,500.


NVR Inc. to David and Rebecca Rawl­ings, 520 Audrey Court, $427,465. NVR Inc. to Rich­ard and Helen Cameron, 104 Brookview Drive, $369,990. Brookview Farms Dev L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 123 Brookview Drive, $78,000. PPDA L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Prada Place, $75,000.


Ryan Rekich to Tim­o­thy and Breanne Wes­ten­dorf, 660 Sax­on­burg Road, $204,000.


Sce­nic Ridge Part­ners L.P. to David and Glenna Jean Jones, 6024 Lau­rel Court, $338,335.


NVR Inc. to John and Karen Bat­ti­lana,

1014 Black­hawk Drive, $397,045. NVR Inc. to Kim­berly Coch­en­our and Hi­toshi Kinoshita, 3011 Eagle Ridge Drive, $473,880. Mi­chael Neu­man to Jo­shua Peter and Kelli Ann Ross­wog, prop­erty, Kozy Corner Road, $110,000. Sally Flint King to JPMor­gan Chase Bank NA, 432 Les­lie Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,314. NWPA Prop­erty Dev L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 2000 Ring­gold Court, $92,000. NVR Inc. to Che­ryll Cran­mer, 2012 Ring­gold Court, $415,945. NVR Inc. to Brian Lan­caster and Ally­son Bruce, 4005 Weath­er­burn Drive, $500,895. Browns Hill Road As­soc. LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Wing Shadow Court, $72,439.

Muddy Creek

Estate of Mar­ion Bre­thauer to Mark and San­dra Schultheis, 118 Wil­liams Road, $460,000.


Su­zan Rudis­ill to Adam and Stacy Weikal, prop­erty, Browns­dale Road, $84,000. Estate of Ed­gar Weir to Rod­ney My­ers, 375 Browns­dale Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $114,292).


Estate of Janet Gar­rett to Brodie and Va­nessa Speer, 159 Or­chard Drive, $197,900.

Slip­pery Rock Bor­ough

Ste­phen Ten­ney to Ian and Lori Tho­mas, 220 N. Main St., $160,000.


Char­les Mi­chael Tru­man to Ryan and Emily Rekich, 114 Cob­ham Lane, $320,000.


Mi­chael Fin­ley to James Clarke and Kel­ley Perry, 112 Chest­nut St., $185,816.

Wash­ing­ton County


Chris­to­pher Kovscek to Daniel and Kath­ryn Whit­low, 44 Cour­son Hill Road, $315,000.


Mary Quil­len es­tate et al. to Mi­chael McCoy, 302 Bealls­ville Road, by sher­iff’s deed $10,000 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $67,725).


Bon­nie Sals­berry to JDK LLC, 218 Barr St., $40,000.


Ger­ald Moh­ney Jr. to David Thumm and Pa­tri­cia Den­nis Thumm, 2680 Diane Drive, $210,000. Wash­ing­ton Estates LLC to Wash­ing­ton Estates MHC LLC, real es­tate, 839 Hen­der­son Ave., $18,960,674. Wil­liam Clay­ton Roach to Sara Jean Camp­bell, 296 Hill­top Lane, $213,000.


Chris­ti­ana Trust to An­thony Hutskow and Kirk Bianchi, 235 Gal­breath Drive, $130,000. Harry Marchewka to Keith Ber­nard and Lau­rie Tor­boli, 108 Mon­roe St., $124,600. Rich­ard Wil­son Jr. et al. to Daniel Malec and Free­dom Lee Ruth­er­ford, 9 Or­chard Ave., $169,900. Breanne Lynn Heck­lick to Kody Jack­owski, 152 Tay­lor Run Road, $120,000.


Graz­iani Fam­ily L.P. to Mustafa and Rouba Ab­bas Dakroub, 1052 Breeze­wood Drive, $430,000. NVR Inc. to Kelvyn Guz­man and Steph­a­nie Fer­nan­dez, 1212 Clear Springs Drive, $323,130. Lucinda Hard­ing to Bay­view Loan Ser­vic­ing LLC, 5 Langer Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,024. Graz­iani Fam­ily L.P. to Mat­thew and Bar­bara McGin­ley, prop­erty, Net­work Drive, $85,000. Wind­sor Woods LLC to Haw­thorne Part­ners II LLC, prop­erty, 45 Per­ric­rest Lane, $190,800. Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC to Adam Dzadony and Lau­ren Lista, 3027 Sir Char­les Drive, $342,379. Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic Inc. to Brad and Melissa Bal­lan­tine, 3034 Sir Char­les Drive, $358,901.


Don­ald Dam­ico to John and Nadia Uhall, prop­erty, Low HIll Road, $4,000. Edward Hixon Jr. to Rich­ard and Kelli Win­gard, 210 Maple St., $20,000. Deb­bie Obosky et al. to OCWEN Loan Ser­vic­ing LLC, 504 Oak St., by sher­iff’s deed $1,127.


Robert Cain to Edward Weight­man Jr., 913 Lin­coln Ave., $30,000. Al­bert Lowe to Mid­first Bank, 213 Luella Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,023. Hous­ing & Ur­ban Devel­op­ment to Joann Kill­meyer, 1006 McKean Ave., $8,500. Flat Iron Hold­ings Inc. to Na­tional Ac­quis­tions PA 1 LLC, 807 McKean Ave., $6,000. Mi­chael McGuire es­tate et al. to Wilm­ing­ton Sav­ing Fund So­ci­ety trustee, 506-1/​2 Meadow Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,807. Mat­thew War­field to Jer­emy Jones, 941 Shady Ave., $3,100. Cameron Wil­son to Rox­anne Cheroki Tsam­bar­lis, 417 Wood­land Ave., $225,000.


NVR Inc. to Stacy and Jef­frey Beck, 116 High Pointe Drive, $421,095. E. Gene Fleis­ch­mann et al. to Eric Carl­son, 111 Pa­tio Drive, $173,000. Au­gust En­gel­hardt to John and Pamela Aqui­lino, 522 Ridge Ave., $75,000. Arabian Mead­ows Partn. LLC to Michelle Machiko, Sabino Drive, $461,570. Edna McIlvaine to Larry and Sarah Gran­don, 410 W. Grant St., $153,000.


Chi­rost­pher Poklemba to Bay­view Loan Ser­vic­ing LLC, 127 Thomp­son Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,063.

East Fin­ley

Tho­mas Ward to Rebecca Boni, mo­bile home site, 190 Saw Hill Road, $92,000.

East Wash­ing­ton

Khrissy Tiano et al. to US Bank NA trustee, 99 Christ­man Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,460.


Cheryl Camp­bell to Amanda Cal­cek, 19 Al­bert Ave., $120,000.


Carol Cut­lip to Joseph Depetro Jr., 164 Wash­ing­ton Pike, $30,000. Estate of Mary Klages to Ja­son At­kin­son, 166 Wash­ing­ton Pike, $88,000.


Estate of John Golna to Mi­chael Wayne Cau­sey and Tracy Lynn Kessler, 99 N. Center St., $15,000.


Peter Rocco to Ste­phen Mil­ton, 600 Decker St., $209,500.

Mt. Pleas­ant

Steven Or­losky to David Alan and Esther McPeak, prop­erty, Hen­der­son Road, $5,000. Carol Ann McGre­gor to 364 Ven­tures LLC, 8655 Nobles­town Road, $25,000. Co­rey Bau­man to Ali­cia Ste­phens, 6 Prim­rose Road, $199,500.

North Beth­le­hem

Van Voo­r­his Devel­op­ment LLC to Shir­ley Bonaz­zoli and Amy Reedy, 9 Maple St., $10,000.

North Frank­lin

Bar­bara Clut­ter to Pa­tri­cia South­erly and Mi­chael Gar­dill, 1020 Red­tail Hol­low, $399,900.

North Stra­bane

Muir­field Land Part­ners LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, Un­known Ad­dress, $82,100. McDow­ell Devel­op­ment LLC to Robert and Karen Ra­cu­nas, 214 In­dian Ridge Lane, $530,000. Estate of Don­ald Bush­mire to Ko­rey Buffo, 270 La­timer Ave., $89,000. Mark Joyce to Brook­lynne and Mat­thew Rochna, 519 W. McMur­ray Road, $257,000.


Robert Du­ritza Jr. to Yuansen Zhao and Xiao Hong Liu, 524 E. McMur­ray Road, $205,000. Cor­ne­lia Rey­nolds to Amy Dawn Neil, 225 Ros­com­mon Place, $234,000. Char­les Harper to Shawn and Heather Marie Salyer, 106 Scar­bor­ough Lane, $320,000. Joseph Ioli es­tate et al. to WSL Peters Prop­erty Owner LLC, prop­erty, 441 Val­ley­brook Road, $2,000,000.


Frank Joseph Alli­son to Ray­mond and Malina Downey, 2 Bridge Lane, $80,000. David Zim­bicki to Tim­o­thy and Amy Wag­ner, 110 Sta­tion St., $308,400.


Peter Mag­notta to Jes­sica and Wil­liam John Cul­bert­son, 268 Ames Road, $249,900. Wash­ing­ton County Coal Co. to Ste­phen and Chere Bair, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 156 Hixon Road, $48,000.

South Stra­bane

Mario Desch to Brant Wi­etasch, 2301 Flint Drive, $190,000. San­dra Minor to Gard­ner Real Estate Man­age­ment LLC, 286 Lake­view Drive, $90,000. NVR Inc. to Sandeep Gonu­guntla and Var­sha Ra­takonda, 121 Mor­gan Drive, $295,655. NVR Inc. to Ja­son and Maisa Kushak, 123 Mor­gan Drive, $301,500. Ron­ald Cia­nelli to Peter and Kath­ryn Chilling­worth, 1204 St. An­drews Drive, $225,000.


Dwaine Fine to Kim­ber­ley Lynn and Scott Alan Ezzo, 900 Anne Ave., $103,500.


Ty Rep­pert to Tho­mas Mor­gan Jr., 207 North Ave., $35,000.


Hilary Black­hurst to Lu Ann Casteel, 16 Meadow View Place, $147,000.


Fidel Val­dovi­nos to Fidel and Dora Val­dovi­nos, 210 Ridge Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $33,128). US Bank NA trustee to Devin Kuberry, 280 Sumner Ave., $9,100. Duane Mar­asco to McCort Prop­er­ties LLC, 24 Wil­son Ave., $325,000.

West Browns­ville

Glo­ria McKean to Deut­sche Bank Trust Co. Amer­i­cas trustee, 218 Adams Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,089.

West Pike Run

Eric Lout­tit to Ja­cob Lee Magill and Al­ex­an­dra Kerr, 23 Abra­ham Drive, $88,721.

West­more­land County


Estate of Norma McCain to John Se­crist, 192 Le­vine St., $123,000.


Joseph Gor­sha to Quick Sell LLC, RES, 1404 Fourth Ave., $15,000. Ger­ald Pier­wsza to PNC Bank, 1716 Con­sti­tu­tion Blvd., by sher­iff’s deed $3,696. Abruzere Prop­er­ties LLC to An­ge­lika Laney, 517 Moore St., $46,900.


Hope Marie Ma­gal­ich to Gary Camp­bell, 368 Third Ave., $45,000.


Ste­phen Smal­ley to Larry and Mar­cella Jo Adams, 244 Old Dis­till­ery Road, $10,000.


Bryan Har­hai to Del­mont Boro, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Hart Al­ley, $18,000. Mat­thew Fe­lesky to Bran­don and Steph­a­nie Mat­tei, 73 Sun­crest Drive, $170,000.

Derry Bor­ough

John Monte­parte to Wells Fargo Bank NA, 318 E. Second Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $1,535.

Derry Town­ship

Paul Bri­gode to Brett Hughes, 413 Schultz Ave., $75,000.

Done­gal Town­ship

Vi­sion Real Estate Hold­ings LLC to Ken­neth and Ro­berta Devil­ling, 1584 County Line Road, $165,000. Karl Ran­dolph to Car­tus Finan­cial Corp., 633 Jones Mills Road, $253,000. Car­tus Finan­cial Corp. to Ian and Ni­cole Thom, 633 Jones Mills Road, $253,000. Con­stance Lou­ise Harbst to PTV 1031 LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 1567 Route 711, $130,000.

East Hunt­ing­don

Hous­ing & Ur­ban Devel­op­ment to Karen Green, 549 Rid­geview Road, $145,000.


Mark Will­gohs to Daniel and Sarah Croyle, 916 Strat­ford Road, $188,000. Bryan Baird to Leo­nard and Tracy Bacon, 384 Tantlinger Hol­low Road, $270,000.


Mi­chael Gra­j­car Jr. to Al­len Betts, 647 George St., $122,000. Jer­ome Pear­l­man to Arno & Adel­heid Roscher Liv­ing Trust, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 685 N. Main St., $5,773,685. For­love Con­struc­tion Inc. to Jill Reese, 45 North­mont St., $139,900.


PHOCC LLC to Paula Egnot, 508 Al­len­brooke Drive, $352,981. Al­bert Greco to Al­len Fream and Cas­san­dra La­fram­boise, 23 Berger Road, $162,000. Estate of Eliz­a­beth Me­hall to Deb­o­rah Saun­ders, 321 John St., $129,900. Estate of Jean Lou­ise Bol­ton to Lyn­nette Lit­tle, 4525 Lin­coln Ave., $141,900. Wil­liam Douglas Wood­man to Mat­thew and Marta Szekely, 5019 Old For­bes Trail Road, $240,400.


Terry Walker to Zig Ven­tures LLC, 1222 Tenth Ave., $80,000. Estate of Elaine Stew­art to Lisa Black, 509 Penn­syl­va­nia Ave., $90,000. Estate of Chris­tine Marie Orosz to Nicho­las and Heidi Poole, 810 Penn­syl­va­nia Ave., $18,000.


Lindy Wal­dron to Chris Casper, 610 Birch St., $100,000. Estate of Char­les Clyde Baker to Jar­ret Stanko, 1 E. Gaskill Ave., $35,000. George Lukart to Sen­eca Wha­t­ule, 352 N. First St., $5,000. Chris­to­pher Turko to Gre­gory Prinkey and Linda Mae Wal­dron, 612 Penn­syl­va­nia Blvd., $236,900.


Mi­chael Ciocco to DHS Prop­er­ties LLC, 727 Brinker Ave., $60,500. Josh Nolan to Robert McKin­ney, 9 E. First Ave., $98,900. Erik Rhodes to Daniel and Sta­cey Casko, 112 114 Wag­ner St., $74,900.

Lig­o­nier Town­ship

Su­zanne Blasko to An­thony and Diane Stock­man, 804 For­bes Drive, $420,000. Estate of Bev­erly Ann Ivory to Trent IW Tho­mas, 107 Gold­en­rod Lane, $118,000.


Donna Lud­vig­son to Tina Al­ex­an­der, 113

W. Loy­al­hanna St., $95,000.

Lower Bur­rell

Drew Brock to Fed­eral Home Loan Mort­gage Corp., 2556 Carl Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $13,120. Doris Sober to Robert Klas­nick, 2750 Iowa Drive, $110,000. Sally Jo Zeigler et al. to Cole Har­kins, 310 Kurt St., $75,500. An­thony Neg­ley to Weichert Work­force Mo­bil­ity Inc., 360 Prospect Cir­cle, $183,980. Weichert Work­force Mo­bil­ity Inc. to Wil­liam Sepich Jr. and Rach­elle Sepich, 360 Prospect Cir­cle, $183,980. Shir­ley Cor­win to PNC Bank NA, 2838 Thor Drive, by sher­iff’s deed $7,459. Estate of Ma­tilda Ann Al­banese to Wil­liam Rhea Jr. and Su­san Rhea, 766 Wild­life Lodge Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $3,065).


Stream­lined In­vest­ments LLC to Mat­thew Gar­gan and Carly Jack­son, 411 Helen Ave., $153,100. Estate of An­thony Mosco to Den­nis Ro­dri­guez, 173 Pa­cific Blvd., $89,900.

Mt. Pleas­ant Town­ship

Steven Sav­age to Larry Clel­land Jr., 207 Chest­nut St., $93,900. Rick Ce­nis to Adam Baker, restau­rant, 595 Clay Pike, $420,000. David Spina to Clif­ford and Kelly Bor­ing, prop­erty, 2275 Mt. Pleas­ant Road, $229,500.


Ju­dith Bren­nan to Char­les and Linda Cole, 103 Ap­ple Blos­som Court, $151,000. Robert Con­way to Mat­thew Ryan Al­bitz, 357 Na­ture Trail Lane, $168,000. Sun­crest Homes Inc. to Kyle and Ni­cole Sheetz, 5514 Park­view Court, $759,000. Arch Peak Prop­er­ties LLC to Mar­tin and Deb­o­rah Zundel, 208 Rain­print Lane, $169,900. Robert Muro to HPA US 1 LLC, 3316 Tarr Hol­low Road, $250,000.

New Kens­ing­ton

James Los to James Lem­mer, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 410 Tenth St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $61,975). Ken­neth Lovorn Jr. to Erin Ca­sey, 419 Free­port Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $32,734). Joseph Gor­sha to Quick Sell LLC, 1350 Ken­neth Ave., $90,000. Gre­gory Carchidi to Shane Dun­lap and Emily Kust, 1022 Leish­man Ave., $52,800. Sharon Clark Macshane to Brian Fields, 1130 Leish­man Ave., $89,900. Robert Jor­dan to David and Jeanne McDon­ald, 101 Wood­stone Lane 21, $105,000.

New Stan­ton

Clif­ford Bor­ing to Wayne Thor­ni­ley and Kris­tin Vi­tale, 107 Strat­ford Court, $294,000.

North Hunt­ing­don

NVR Inc. to Dale and Robyn McCall, 6702 An­tonio Drive, $405,665. Fore­love Con­struc­tion Inc. to Jon­a­than Slacker and Melissa Ped­di­cord, 9001 Bar­nes Lake Road, $220,000. Steven Hall to An­thony and Anna Klein, 240 Bethel Road, $189,750. Corinne Wal­dron to Ben­ja­min Gida, prop­erty, Char­les Drive, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $3,065). Corinne Rut­k­owski to Ben­ja­min Gida, 121 Char­les Drive, $158,000. Mat­thew Mrd­jen­ov­ich to Ryan and Sara Baird, prop­erty, 2100 Corn­wall Drive, $102,500. Lil­li­ana New­meyer to Jack and Ni­col George, 2871 Guffey Road, $163,000. Estate of Nancy Lynn Fos­sick to Pre­ci­sion Real Estate So­lu­tions LLC, 275 Hunt­ing­don Ave., $160,000. Linda LaGorga to Tho­mas and San­dra Lee, 11705 McKee Road, $160,000. M’Lis Joan Nes­tor to Ja­cob Cun­ning­ham and Theresa Lamm, 1161 Rich­ard Road, $185,000. Robert Fike to Ja­cob and Carly Koma­rin­ski, prop­erty, Spi­cher Hill Road, $7,000. RWS Devel­op­ment RC LTD to Tho­mas and Kris­tin Hutsko, 1150 Weber Court, $394,900.

Penn Town­ship

Dar­lene Bar­ranti to Mi­chael and Su­san Girvin, 5 Hones Road, $230,000. Cath­leen Pi­etrzyk to Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn., 349 McWil­liams Road, by sher­iff’s deed $1,556.


Gary Lewis to Mi­chael and Elaine Ann On­dr­ish, 330 Comanche Drive, $217,500. Wil­liam Hart­zog to Liv­ing Room Church, prop­erty, 219 221 Rail­roadSt, $2,000. En­tech LLC to Maronda Homes Inc., prop­erty, 258 Stump Drive, $54,000.


Erin Ca­sey to Daniel Keat­ing, 2245 SR 819, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $37,454).


Joseph An­thony Me­lillo to Tacit Ven­tures LLC, 204 Loucks Ave., $44,000. FNB Prop­er­ties Co. Inc. to John and Su­san Gill, prop­erty, 105 N. Grant St., $6,500. Estate of John Mi­chael Chain to Eric and Mary Jane Ful­ton, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 227 Pitts­burgh St., $25,000.

South Greens­burg

James Hutchin­son to An­jak LLC, 1425 Broad St., $40,000. Joseph Iezzi to Den­nis and Linda Gian­nilli, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 1808 Frank­lin St., $3,000.

South Hunt­ing­don

Estate of Wil­liam Lee to Mat­thew and Krysti Under­wood, 2229 Second St., $39,800. ABZ Part­ner­ship to Aaron and Lind­sey Manns, prop­erty, Hoff­man Road, $83,000. Mark Stadter­man to Scott and Cait­lin Stadter­man, mo­bile home site, 378 Spring St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $17,900).

South­west Greens­burg

Blue Moun­tain Home LMG Inc. to Mi­chael Durigon, 621 Sid­ney St., $145,000.


Ei­leen Drake to Na­tion­star HECM Ac­qui­si­tion Trust 2018-1, 315 Eighth Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $2,658.


Jes­sica Nowak to Zachary and Ab­i­gail Fisher, 218 Timber Drive, $130,000.


An­drea Frenchick to Phan­tom En­ter­prises L.P., 306 C St., $67,500. Di­ana Trout to Chris­to­pher and San­dra Turko, 120 Lake­view Drive, $325,000. Estate of Helen Dodds to Julie Sex­ton, 1106 McKenna Way, $168,000. John Getz Jr. to JDOM Migno­gna En­ter­prises LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 4864 Pleas­ant Un­ity Road, $95,000.

Up­per Bur­rell

Mar­ga­ret Ann Ram­etta to Jon Ram­etta, 113 Loretta Lane, $106,000.


Car­los DeOliveira to Tho­mas and Shay­leen Mar­tin, 821 Han­cock Ave., $17,500. Ana­toliy Pash­chuk to Real Estate Cash Flow In­ves­tors LLC, 602 Irv­ing St., $13,000. Gre­gory Krug to Ste­phen and Carmi Ama­rando, 509 Sy­c­a­more St., $26,000.


Ron­ald Bow­man to Patti Rae Bow­man, prop­erty, Ma­mont Drive, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $3,065). Rhonda Car­pen­ter to Na­tion­star Reo Sub 1B LLC, 1006 Shaner Acres Drive, by sher­iff’s deed $6,017. James Ren­dos et al. to James Ren­dos and Shir­ley Mauro, 1692 Wash­ing­ton Road, $100,000. James Ren­dos to Steven and Michelle Ren­dos, 1692 Wash­ing­ton Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $42,266).