See what else is going on around town with the Post-Gazette’s online events calendar (and you can post your own information)
at www.post-gazette.com/events.
Weekend Editor:
Scott Mervis
Cover Design:
Daniel Marsula

Skull Fest goes to 11; Iron Maiden re­turns.

16 on film
15 tuned in
10 cover story
Director Francis Ford Coppola on “Apocalypse Now.”
New des­per­ate house­wives are re­vealed on “Why Women Kill.”
The Com­mon­heart strips it down and soars on “Pres­sure.”
Munch goes to Piz­ze­ria Da­vide; new din­ing op­tions.
More inside


In Lit­tle Italy

De­li­cious Ital­ian cui­sine, a va­ri­ety of mu­sic, bocce ball and craft ven­dors will fill the streets of Bloom­field for the an­nual Lit­tle Italy Days. More than 30 acts will per­form on three stages:

Thurs­day: Stage at Cedar­ville and Lib­erty — The Granati Broth­ers (6 p.m.)

Fri­day: Cedar­ville and Lib­erty — Megan and Ja­cob, old­ies and mu­si­cal the­ater (noon); old­ies band Magic Mo­ments (6 p.m.).

Satur­day: Ro­hrich Honda Stage at Gross and Lib­erty — Mia Zanotti (1 p.m.); Let’s Groove To­night, the ul­ti­mate Earth, Wind & Fire trib­ute band (4 p.m.); Jumpin Jack

Flash, trib­ute to the Roll­ing Stones (7 p.m.).

Cedar­ville and Lib­erty — Al­le­gro Dance Com­pany, tra­di­tional Ital­ian dance (12:30 p.m.); Bone­shak­ers pop/​rock (2 p.m.); Mire­lla the Mu­si­cian, Ital­ian ac­cor­di­on­ist (4:30 p.m.); John Lu­pone, Ital­ian op­era vo­cal­ist (7:30 p.m.).

First Com­mon­wealth Stage at Tay­lor and Lib­erty — Wacky Shack, Pitts­burgh-based youth rock band (1 p.m.); Sloane Si­mon and the House Band (2:30 p.m.); Billy the Kid, funky rhythm and blues (4 p.m.); Elias Khouri and The EK Band (6:30 p.m.).

Sun­day: Ro­hrich Honda Stage at Gross and Lib­erty — Miss Lit­tle Italy (noon); Mojo Hand (3 p.m.).

Stage at Cedar­ville and Lib­erty — East End Kids (1 p.m.); Bob Scul­lion and The

Mystics (3 p.m.).

First Com­mon­wealth Stage at Tay­lor and Lib­erty — Randy Gali­oto as El­vis (12:30 p.m.); pizza stretch­ing demo by Caliente Pizza and Draft House (2:30 p.m.); Jeff Jimerson (3 p.m.).

Fes­ti­val hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Thurs­day; noon to 9 p.m. and Fri­day and Satur­day; noon to 6 p.m. Sun­day. http://​lit­tleitaly­days.com.

Hard­core bash

Pitts­burgh is home to one of the na­tion’s big­gest hard­core fes­ti­vals, which this year “goes to 11.”

Skull Fest 11 will fea­ture punk leg­ends like Poi­son Idea, Ru­bella Bal­let, Drop­dead and Rikk Agnew, along with such Pitts­burgh war­riors as Caus­tic Christ and Killer of Sheep.

It will be at Bab­y­land, the Rock Room, Spirit and Cat­tivo; skull­fest­pgh.com.


Fair days

The West­more­land Fair opens Fri­day with daily fam­ily events that in­clude Bar C Ranch Pet­ting Zoo and Camel Rides, Marvel­ous Mutts Canine Spec­tac­u­lar, Me­chan­i­cal Bull Ride, milk­ing demon­stra­tions and bee­keep­ing demon­stra­tions.

In the grand­stand, there’s the Rafter Z Rodeo on Fri­day, Mon­ster Truck Races with Quad Wars on Satur­day and a dem­o­li­tion derby on Sun­day. On Satur­day, there will also be the Cake and Pie Show­down Contest.

Ad­mis­sion is $7 and in­cludes rides and park­ing but not grand­stand. Early-bird ad­mis­sion is $3 per per­son be­fore 2 p.m. (no rides). Weekly pass avail­able for $20. Chil­dren 2 and un­der free. It’s at 123 Blue Rib­bon Lane, Greens­burg; west­more­land­fair.com.


Doo­bies in Moon

The Doo­bie Broth­ers, one of the great hit­makers of the ’70s, re­turn to head­line the new UPMC Events Center in Moon this week­end.

This lineup fea­tures orig­i­nal front­men Tom John­ston and Patrick Sim­mons with long­time gui­tar­ist John McFee and for­mer Lit­tle Feat pi­a­nist Bill Payne do­ing clas­sic hits like “Long Train Run­nin’,” “Lis­ten to the Mu­sic,” “China Grove” and “Takin’ it to the Streets.”

Mi­chael McDon­ald, who took over some of the lead vo­cals in 1975 and first left the band in 1982, re­united with the Doo­bies in the ’90s but is no lon­ger on board.

The show is at 7 p.m. Tick­ets start at $39; tick­et­mas­ter.com.


RenFest opens

The Pitts­burgh Renais­sance Fes­ti­val trans­ports peo­ple back in time with hun­dreds of cos­tumed mer­ry­mak­ers re-cre­at­ing a 16th-cen­tury vil­lage with ev­ery­thing from magic to joust­ing.

New this year will be stunt per­former the Squire of Wire and mu­sic, dance and com­edy group The Vodca Fam­ily. Return­ing acts in­clude The Knights of Noble Cause Pro­duc­tions, the Wash­ing Well Wenches, Cast in Bronze, The Duel­ists and The CRAIC Show.

There will also be games of skill, rides, pe­riod foods, cos­tumed per­form­ers and an ar­ti­sans mar­ket­place.

The grounds are off In­ter­state 70, six miles west of New Stan­ton. It runs through Sept. 22. Hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Satur­day and Sun­day and La­bor Day; pitts­burgh­ren­fest.com.


Metal night

It’s a bit of a metal di­lemma with Iron Maiden ver­sus Korn and Alice in Chains.

Stephanie Strasburg/Post-Gazette
El­vis trib­ute art­ist Randy Gali­oto, left, of Bloom­field at Lit­tle Italy Days last year.
Joe Mey­ers
Jousting Knights at the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival.