Real estate transfers

prop­erty, 1007 Lib­erty Ave., $90,000. Su­san Neg­ley to John Marino, 108 Pu­laski Drive, $33,500.


Robert Ro­sato to Nuhomes In­fin­ity Fund LLC, 318 E 17th Ave., $100,000. Su­pe­rior Prop­erty Group LLC to Ro­berta Men­donca De Car­valho, 351 W 12th Ave., $165,000.


Cedar Run Farms LLC to Orion Farms Prop­er­ties LLC, ag­ri­cul­tural land, 415 Cedar Run Road, $1,200,000. Deb­o­rah Crow­ley Lis­owski to My­larappa Ban­taganah Nin­gappa and Pre­ma­l­a­tha My­larappa, 121 Highview Ave., $215,000. Rich­mont Estates L.P. to NVR Inc., 2001 Olive­tre Drive, $89,900. NVR Inc. to Rus­sell Tho­mas and Jen­ni­fer Ann Pala­cio Weis, 3006 Olive­tre Drive, $300,000. NVR Inc. to Nancy Lynn Pater, 3008 Olive­tre Drive, $265,000. NVR Inc. to Alec Sch­mid­tet­ter, 3010 Olive­tre Drive, $310,000. DSA Build­ers Inc. to Deepam and Bindu Ven­kata­surya Ru­sia, prop­erty, 4009 Park Pl, $1,000,000.

Jef­fer­son Hills

Maronda Homes Inc. to Ram and Ambika Prad­han, 102 Ches­a­peake Drive, $320,689. Estate of John Taucher II to K4K LLC, prop­erty, Gill Hall Road, $39,558. Olive Jane Shipp to Dana Fer­rai­u­olo, 123 Hol­ly­wood Drive, $131,000. Melissa Car­son to Zachary Ko­zlo­wski, 105 Neil­son Drive, $122,500. Estate of John Krandel to Chris­tine McCann, 701 Old Clair­ton Road, $140,000. James Mil­ner to Lalita Subedi and Hemanta Mishra, 3020 Shady Timber Ln, $409,000. Maronda Homes Inc. to An­drew James and Re­nee Theresa Ba­iano, 418 Spaniel Ln, $585,374.


Lau­ren Eliz­a­beth DeFilippi to Alli­son Fer­rante, 101 Cas­tle View Drive, $215,000. Syl­via Deigan to Jon­a­than Revtai, 485 Herbst Manor Road, $210,000. FC Ken­nedy LLC to NVR Inc., Un­known Ad­dress, $78,300.


Tyler Lin­den Willis to An­drew Deutsch, 182 Oak St., $112,300. Ali­son O’Don­nell to John Gwalt­ney Jr. and Kel­sey Gwalt­ney, 122 Pil­grim Drive, $280,000.


Jane Coun­try­man to House Of Soul Ca­ter­ing LLC, 211 South­ern Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $23,000.


Estate of John Lof­gren to Robert Wil­liams, 2151 Lin­coln Blvd., $44,750.


Tri­cia Brown to Ja­son Patrick Braun and Erin Caf­frey, 461 Fair­mont Drive, $402,500. MGB Cap­i­tal LLC to Sean Mi­chael and Al­bany Janet Har­ring­ton, 1002 Gold­en­eye Drive, $1,345,356. Shawn Richey to Ste­phen and Kat­rina Man­cuso, 844 Hill­crest Cir, $378,000. Ryan Mil­stead to Younghye Jeun and Seung Cheol Lee, 397 Mar­shall Heights Drive, $315,000. NVR Inc. to Pa­van Dhanan­jaya and Ranjna Revanna, 1000 Mo­hawk Ln, $366,540. Lynn Archer to Gon­zalo Ma­rin and Lez­ama Ali­cia Silva, 431 Ty­burn Drive, $401,500. Prashant Gopa­lan to Adi and Kin­jal Thak­kar, 269 Ven­ango Trl, $416,500. Law­rencw Char­les Bos­song to Joseph and Mar­jorie Lyn Hogan, 1955 War­ren­dale Bayne Road, $110,000. Blake Pot­ter to Daniel Drew and Lau­ren Zak, 141 West­more Drive, $378,500.


Joan Schaefer to Kyle Boronky, 925 Bal­moral Drive, $270,000. David Beard Jr. to Mar­cus Springer and Kim­berly Jean Medina, 8987 East­view Drive, $213,000. Paul Peter­sen to Jes­sica Huber, 1140 Ha­zlett Road, $240,000. Al­bert Smith to Brian Eck­ert, 9307 High­land Road, $175,000. Deb­o­rah Lof­fredi to Mat­thew Toen­jes, 128 Kay­lor Road, $190,000. Jaime Lynn Che­s­ney to Scott and Deb­o­rah Metz­ger, 9458 Meadow Road, $268,000. Dy­lan Beck to Tim­o­thy Mat­thews and Ni­cole Ross, 201 Mo­hi­can Ave., $241,000. Frances Waller to SPC Realty Co., 720 Per­ry­mont Road, by sher­iff’s deed $228,600. Jac­que­line An­drako to Adam and Susie But­ler, 216-220 Pine Creek Road, $669,000. Kath­ryn Roeh­lich to Shop­house Home LLC, 9328 Spring­field Drive, $260,000. Den­nis Lane to Jane Wet­zel, 10281 Twin Hill Road Ext., $439,000.


Robert Gib­son to Gi­a­como Cardello II, prop­erty, Glea­son St., $5,000. Robert Gib­son to Gi­a­como Cardello II, 3425 Glea­son St., $18,000. Cheryl Ab­bott to Har­vey Cole III and Jaz­zlyn Adai­jah Camp­bell, 1236 Park St., $110,500. GDC In­vest­ments LLC to Daniel John Stickley and Kath­leen Marie Cook, 908 Ridge St., $2,500.


Kim­berly Ku­tosky to Kevin and Jes­sica Donahue, restau­rant, 623 North Ave., $155,000.


Estate of James Robert Baker to Cheng Chen, 133 Alpine Vil­lage Drive, $111,000. An­thony Maruca to Ralph and Lisa Ric­ca­rdi, 224 Col­lege Park Drive, $135,000. Shawn Coo­ley to Dean and Kelly Marucci, 2602-2604 Fairview Drive, $250,000. Paula Co­mu­nale to Delshawn Ar­nett, 1931 Glen Crest Drive, $150,000. Louis Pala­m­one to David An­dras­cik, 2435 Hay­maker Road, $138,075. Vishal Pa­tel to Mo­hit Sub­hash Sharma and Re­hana Shake, 25 Morn­ing­tide Ct, $253,000. Janet Long to Ko­sa­sonak Realty Ser­vices LLC, 811 Pat­ton St. Ext., by sher­iff’s deed $47,000. Adri­ann Popov­ich to Rachel Din­dak, 314 Shady Ridge Drive, $125,000. GI Hau Fu to Bran­don Mi­chael and Trin­ity Sal­dana, 104 Wind­sor Ct, $265,100.


Aric Mec­chia to Ja­son Daniel Swalga and Rachel Leanne Miller, 6013 Haw­thorn Drive, $324,900. Meaghan Mae Reyes to Amer­i­can Int Relo­ca­tion So­lu­tion LLC, 504 Over­head Drive, $339,000. Amer­i­can Int Relo­ca­tion So­lu­tion LLC to Jon­a­than Char­les and Jen­ni­fer Lynn McWil­liams, 504 Over­head Drive, $339,000. James Quinn to Mar­tin and Theresa Braun, 2028 San­lin Drive, $65,250. Lisle Wil­liams to Clair Rich­ard St., 1061 Whis­per­ing Woods Drive, $363,000.

Mt. Leb­a­non

Sean Han­lon to Ste­phen and Erin Eliz­a­beth Long Douglas, 236 La­vina Ave., $235,000. Mi­chael Raf­tis to Amer­i­can Int Relo­ca­tion So­lu­tion LLC, 917 Old Hick­ory Road, $738,500. Amer­i­can Int Relo­ca­tion So­lu­tion LLC to Mat­thew and Anas­ta­sia Abram­son, 917 Old Hick­ory Road, $720,000. Tes­sea Harper to John Ro­g­in­ski, 369 Parker Drive, $367,000. Jan­ice Scott trustee to Edward and Flora Lee, 750 Wash­ing­ton Road Apt 1208, $183,500.

Mt. Oliver

An­drew Cel­ley to James Wardzin­ski, 1730 Arling­ton Ave., $45,000.


Jes­sica Lynn Gerek to Wil­liam Joseph King III, 216 Eliz­a­beth St., $157,000. Riverview Devel­op­ment LLC to Ci­ty­life East LLC, 831 Hall St., $73,500. Brant Moore to John Kevin Wil­son, 3611 Main St., $108,000. Ray­mond George Bod­nar to Louis Nicho­las Pet­rone III and Jaclyn Burke, 4309 Su­pe­rior St., $125,000. Me­red­ith Butch Henry to Me­red­ith Henry Jr. trustee, 4413 W Run Road, $74,442.


Wil­liam James Kacz­marek to Li­ly­pads LLC, 140 Third St., $100,000. Shen­ango Inc. to Neville Prop­er­ties II LLC, in­dus­trial site, 200 D Neville Road, $5,465,000.

North Brad­dock

Brown Squared LLC to Sloan Con­tract­ing & Busi­ness En­ter­prisin, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 1208 Elec­tric Ave., $125,000.

North Fay­ette

Sarah Bar­low to Chris­to­pher Ul­lom, 104 Church Road, $184,000. Mat­thew Zim­mer­man to Scott and Michelle Liller, 162 Dar­lene Drive, $375,000. Bran­don McEwen to Nicho­las and Carla Maestre Eritz, 2901 Tim­ber­glen Drive, $199,000.

North Ver­sailles

James Crotti to Ja­cob and Cathy Hayden, 3721 Bevan Road, $82,000. Doro­thy Marsza­lek to Ju­dith Ros­en­steel, 417 Del­a­ware Ave., $109,400. John Devita to Justin Fer­gu­son, 102 Elder St., $3,000. Estate of Robert Sonov­ick to Arthur Rus­sell Ken­gle Jr. and Sharon Ken­gle, Gree­ley Ave., $18,500.


Wind­mill As­soc. L.P. to Di­wakar and Lakshmi Da­var, prop­erty, 8 Hol­land Drive, $205,000. Alaaedin Sha­l­aby to Mi­chael McDow­ell and Saman­tha Sar­nicke, 319 Mar­berry Drive, $615,000. Kris­ten Ur­ban to James and Su­san Graff, 217 Sun­ridge Road, $609,000.


TW Hold­ings 15 LLC to Lynn Wor­obey and Ben­ja­min Sch­midt, 526 Fourth St., $296,000. Rich­ard Park to Mary­ann Neely, 59 New Lon­don Ln, $165,000.


Brett Christ­man to David Rain­water and Marissa Kaiser, 216 Cheryl Drive, $262,500. James Car­ri­gan to Jo­shua and Jil­lian Klicker, 431 Duff Road, $350,000. Megan Peters to Mi­chael Am­b­ro­gio, 134 Kens­ing­ton Drive, $335,000. Mt. Nebo United Pres­by­te­rian Church to John and Char­les Lenzner trustee, prop­erty, Nic­hol­son Road, $100,000. Wayne Sher­man to Eric May­hue and Jan­ice Valko, 190 Over­look Drive, $581,000. Mi­chael Patalsky to Butchi Reddy and Prema Reddy Vaddi, 109 Spring­field Drive, $475,000.


Sarah Mor­gan to Ar­mando De­souza and Eliz­a­beth Wash­ing­ton, 1438 Beaver Road, $380,000.

Penn Hills

Rick­ard Briggs to Sheila Brown, 1400 Bar­bara Drive, $129,900. Estate of Ken­neth Lee Stubbs to Jef­frey Han­cock, 251 Co­lum­bia Ave., $16,000. David Klobucher to PAK Real Estate Hold­ings LLC, 126 Court­ney Drive, $40,000. Moses Freed­man to Julie Masters, 124 Eliz­a­beth Drive, $189,000. Penn Town­ship to Narinder Singh trustee and Kul­want Kaur trustee, in­sti­tu­tional site, 12245 Frank­s­town Road, $175,000. Kath­leen Hen­shaw to Maria Caden­head, 1605 Homestead Road, $163,251. Hai Francis Moshe Tze­mah to Core­max In­vest­ments LLC, 357 Iris Drive, $53,000. An­ton Sulkosky to Dady Al­vord, 310 MacFar­lane Drive, $90,000. Del­mar Tay­lor to Brian Chris­to­pher Edwardo, 120 McCurdy Drive, $300,000. Mary Leone to One Call Han­dles It All, 2619 Reiter Road, by sher­iff’s deed $32,000. Estate of Joseph Peter­man to Cameron and Han­nah Van­lom, 5880 Salts­burg Road, $68,000. Zoe Kay Comp­ton to Daniel Gates, 7052 Shan­non Road, $139,900. Carolyn Ward to Rich­ard Brooks, 8878 West­wood Road, by sher­iff’s deed $18,000.

Penns­bury Vil­lage

Patrick Yur­chak to Mi­chael and Jean Ann Sokol, 514 Car­riage Cir, $152,000. Brian Sey­mour to Diane Pon­ti­cel, 796 Car­riage Cir, $125,000. Kayla Dames to Madi­son Olander, 1314 Penns­bury Blvd., $141,500.


Show­case Prop­er­ties Inc. to Brian Handza and Kristy Lynne Hus­son, 204 Ab­bacy Drive, $530,283. Show­case Prop­er­ties Inc. to Craig Samuel Rein­hard and Jef­frey An­drew Brizek, 210 Ab­bacy Drive, $611,947. Jen­ni­fer Rick­man to Mat­thew and Jen­ni­fer Bren­nan, 2013 Con­dor Ln, $525,000. James Ru­dolph to Fatima Hamad, 550 Fair Vista Ct, $469,900. Pine Develop Co. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 719 Mulk­er­rin Ct, $180,000. NVR Inc. to An­gela and Kris­tin Perri, 726 Mulk­er­rin Ct, $813,390.


88 Man­age­ment LLC to Clar­ence Jones, 307 Second St., $58,000.

Pleas­ant Hills

TYT Real Estate In­vest­ments LLC to Mat­thew Ve­seleny and Erin Disanti, 128 Wini­fred Drive, $192,500.


Mi­chael Perry to Syd­ney San­tucci and Mi­chal Cer­illi, 532 Ander­son Ave., $208,000. Mark McNamara to Sega­vepo LLC, 580 Ander­son Ave., $153,500. Al­fredo Bri­ceno to Al­ex­an­dria McKenny, 247 Dar­lan Hill Drive, $245,000. Mi­chael McGrath to El­liot and Cath­er­ine Acevedo, 224 Duquesne Blvd., $208,000. Paul Huska Jr. to John and Mar­ga­ret Labella, prop­erty, Old Leech­burg Road, $19,000. Estate of Rich­ard Cle­ments to David Paul and Lori Jean Orendi, 500 Old Leech­burg Road, $114,028. Heather Stead to Shelby Pig­ott, 237 Plum St., $182,500. Rich­ard Laufer to Ja­son and Heather Stead, 242 Red Oak Drive, $275,000. Louis Divin­cenzo to Shawn Coo­ley and Cath­leen Zgurich, 9700 Salts­burg Road, $185,000. Karen Lu­cas to Ser­gio Rometo and Shan­non McGuire, 274 Shasta Drive, $206,000. David Wil­liams Jr. to Put­ta­chat Logut, 715 State St., $87,000.

Port Vue

Salome Brown to Erika Suhy, 917 Elm­wood St., $28,000.


Estate of Chris­to­pher An­thony Sa­lo­pek to John Voin­ski, 125 Belle­field Ct, $239,000. Erik Sig­mund to De­n­ise Fe­rina, 142 Carters Grove Drive, $260,000. Gary Si­mone to Kevin Lin­gen­felser and Carolyn Orendi, 264 Co­rey Drive, $285,000. Domenic DeFrank to Kim­berly Mos­len, 3613 Pa­tri­cia Ln, $430,000. Ro­sland Kap­phan to Su­san Sprow, 5260 Turner Road, $168,000.


Sil­ver Sum­mit LLC to Sil­ver Sum­mit Master Home­own­ers As­so­ciat, prop­erty, Beaver Grade Road, $18,844. C Three LLC to D & K Gold LLC, in­dus­trial site, 210 Bil­mar Drive, $1,750,000. Mi­chael Rich­ard Es­pos­ito to Ab­bas Meh­diun, 5547 Glass Road, $500,000. Mat­thew Blank to Kim­berle Cas­tro, 241 Over­look Ct, $264,900.


Cath­er­ine Roach to Frank Mo­letz, 5900 Bab­cock Blvd. Unit 44, $36,500. El­rose Develop Co. to Steven Jensen, prop­erty, 337 Ber­nice St., $48,500. Carl Trapp to James and Bar­bara Helene Ja­cobs, 5223 Clar­win Ave., $205,000. Al­bert Pinder Arab­pour Abol­fazl to Jake and Ni­cole Ginder, 1452 Cliffview Road, $275,000. Neil West to Mi­chael and Carolyn Hat­field, 196 Gold­smith Road, $312,000. Sharon Buaer to Sean and Lisa Cardell, 820 Harden Drive, $252,000. Jean Wil­lard to An­drew Clark and Janna Bas­sette, 135 Hard­ing Road, $190,000. An­thony Scollo to Mi­chael and Laura Veatch, 223 Kin­vara Drive, $249,899. Erin Lynn to Peter and Cathy Stires, 3202 Lenox Oval, $215,000. Chris­to­pher Lu­ca­torto to Lau­ren Tho­mas, 133

Lilac Ave., $210,000. Ross Park Devel­op­ment LLC to Daniel and Steph­a­nie Ward, prop­erty, 210 Southview Road, $109,900. Mary Preuss to Wil­liam Kunz, 145 Tim­ber­lane Drive, $347,600. Estate of David Wirl to Brian Reif and Steph­a­nie Cubilla, 503 Wimer Cir, $305,000. Paul Brin­dle trustee to Emily Har­lacher, 545 Wood­land Road, $318,000.

Ross­lyn Farms

Harold Hood to Parva Ma­jidi and Anas­ta­sia Chris­tine Markiw, prop­erty, Kings High­way, $33,900.


Rich­ard Ward to Mi­chael Schiefer, 1283 Car­di­nal Drive, $287,900. Terri Pawol trustee to Francine O’brien, 695 Doris Drive, $254,000. Ali­son Rosen­berg to Gina Grosso, 1030 Eve Drive Apt C, $139,000. Blair Clover III to Nathan Pre­sutti, 426 Hoff St., $85,000. Mar­cia Con­nell to Tate Giles In­vest­ment LLC, 930 Mar­ga­rite Drive, $87,500. Sean Sim­cik to Mary Kath­leen Zyra, 129 N Wren Drive, $230,000.

Se­wickley Heights

Wil­liam Recker to RFF7 LLC, prop­erty, 475-477 Scaife Road, $7,500,000.

Se­wickley Hills

Ulla Merete Bak to Nicho­las and Sarah Weaver, 6 De­mar Drive, $1,200,000.


Robert Ed­mond­son to Daniel McNamara and Ja­cob Wil­liam­son, 706 Ohio River Blvd., $141,000.


Paul Plak­idas to Johna­thon Shuble and Kay­leigh Isacco, 1416 Ander­son Road, $152,000. Wal­ter Schlag to Gary and Kath­er­ine Long, 1398 Ella St., $25,000. Mar­cia Bonk to Rich­ard Horn, 106 Fri­day Road, $35,000. Ryan Juran to Al­fred Foster Craw­ford III and Kate­lyn Maas, 806 Glen­shaw Ave., $295,000. Ray­mond Feith to Adam Kevin Sch­wei­ger, prop­erty, Klir Road, $22,500. Estate of Alvin Minor to Cory Oster­wise, 510 Loui­ann St., $121,900. Chris­to­pher Ruff­ner to Tho­mas and Les­lie Mar­shall, 1812 Pres­i­dent Drive, $365,000. Estate of Ste­phen Louis Zelich to Rus­sell and Lisa Zelich, 1009 Sax­on­burg Blvd., $89,000. Todd Long to Tho­mas Wil­son, 222 Soose Road, $169,900.


Vic­to­ria Dopp to Elena Co­lianni, 1846 Mid­dle St., $129,900.

South Fay­ette

Char­ter Homes At Hast­ings Inc. to Ge­rard and Maria Longo, 2023 Ash­ton Row, $324,990. Jack Meeks to Alanna Laip­ple, 2915 Big Meadow Ct, $110,000. Key­stone 76 Devel­op­ment LLC to NVR Inc., Un­known Ad­dress, $101,500. Mo­h­in­der Dhadha to Ja­cob McHenry, 2457 Brook Ledge Road, $69,000. Melissa Mar­shall to Laverne Con­ley and Karen Reifer, 100 E Rus­sets Cir, $161,700. Nicho­las Hoban to Deepak and Ni­kita Bhurani, 8033 Hins­dale Ln, $305,000. Ter­rance Scott to Diane Mas­tra­m­ico, 300 Mag­no­lia Ave., $75,924. Wal­ter Im­pel­lic­ceiri to Joe Vin­gas and Ti­ana Har­kins, 134 Meadow Drive, $258,000. Trevor Don­ald Bate­man to FRDS LLC, 1113 Mo­hawk Road, $145,500. Phi­lip Gos­sic to Tracy Smith, 3500 Wash­ing­ton Pike, $195,200.

South Park

John Borden Jr. to Tulsi and Kr­ishna Subedi, 2515 Bon­nie Dell Drive, $450,000. Mero South Park Ven­tures LLC to NVR Inc., Un­known Ad­dress, $65,657. NVR Inc. to Ryan and Tina Beaver, 1007 Peak Drive, $451,930. Peter Ko­by­lin­ski to Rich­ard Evans Jr., 3012 Ridge Road, $139,500. Mi­chael Mazzella to Marc David Alt­man and Amanda Michelle Hous­ton, 3135 Ridge Road, $299,463. James Cairns to Mod­ern Edge Ven­tures LLC, 6721 Ridge­vue Drive, $115,000. Barry Rubin to Mikayla Murin, 6512 Spring­vale Drive, $175,000.


Hil­lary Bog­den to Pitts­burgh Real Estate In­vest Group LLC, 1116 Island Ave., $410,000. Ben­ja­min Contrucci to Red Dot Hold­ings LLC, 1379 Island Ave., $155,000. Tho­mas So­lack to Viorel Duca, 402 McCoy Road, $41,000. Estate of Wil­liam Crop­per to Wes­ley Crop­per, 929 Wood­ward Ave., $18,000.


Frank Kos­tik to Tuin­eau and Peki Havili, 7523 Dick­son St., $27,000. Hous­ing & Ur­ban Devel­op­ment to PNC Bank NA, 2264 Haw­thorne Ave., $50,958. John Wors­ing to R & J Res­i­den­tial Ren­tals LLC, 7918 Lloyd Ave., $30,000. Jo­shua Suskin to Matheus Delima Bar­bosa and Mar­ian Marie Klan­ica, 7231 McClure Ave., $245,000. Naomi Karen Miller to Phi­lip Pala­cios, 7720 West­more­land Ave., $214,900. Vin­cent Estrada to Kirk Rudzin­ski and Marigny Nor­mann, 7334 Whip­ple St., $200,000.

Tur­tle Creek

Mat­thew Okin to Tah­jonal and Corinne Gam­ble, 1300 Maple Ave., $95,000. John Mitch­ell to Mi­chael and Sara Up­ton, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 533-535 Penn Ave., $18,250.

Up­per St. Clair

Ryan Meyer to Innes Jef­frey, 2417 Giant Oaks Drive, $326,100. Steven Carter to Camillo and Su­san Sch­midt, 2047 Hy­croft Drive, $825,000. Ben­ja­min Mi­chael Woika to Ariel Osea Austero, 2703 Lo­cust Drive, $223,000. Jes­sica Lich­var to John Theriault, 797 Somer­ville Drive, $72,903. James McCann to George and Diane Kanj, 1786 Trag­one Drive, $715,000.


James Casa­nova to Pro­fes­sor LLC, 538-542 Penn St., $200,000.


Frances Elyes to Ebony Moul­trie, 417 Wor­th­ing­ton St., $100,000.

West Deer

Cheryl Col­vin to Edward Lever, 327 Sad­dle­brook Road, $92,568. Diane Boyer trustee to Rose­ma­rie Dileo, 134 Stee­ple­chase Cir, $274,900.

West Homestead

BSAT LLC to An­thony Vankirk and Megan Boyd, 1311 Cas­cade Drive, $151,000. My Fu­ture LLC Ser­ies 4-FSC to Street­front LLC, 348 Cherry St., $16,500.

West Mif­f­lin

Al­ex­an­dria McKen­ney to An­thony Fer­gu­son, 414 Car­ne­gie St., $95,000. Chris­tine Beck to Pa­tri­cia Malat­esta, 417 Com­mon­wealth Ave., $228,000. Jared Coello to Hem Adhikari and Man­gali Bhu­jel, 1211 Fidel­ity Drive, $170,000. Tech One As­so­ci­ates to Halle Prop­er­ties LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 2260 Leb­a­non Church Road, $860,000. Mat­thew Flaus to Doro­thy Bare­foot, 519 Leb­a­non Manor Drive, $141,000. Bar­bara Brekosky to Bruce and Brit­t­any O’Ne Cel­lars, 411 Oak St., $130,000. Frances Halapin trustee to Mi­chael and Carolyn Roper, 458 Sat­in­wood Drive, $200,000. Aly­shia Inks to Linda Mac­surak, 2234 Ver­mont Ave., $143,000. Estate of Wal­ter Gasowski to Adam Cher­venak, 4328 Vistaview St., $116,237.

West View

Wil­liam Con­ners to Max­anna Prop­er­ties Inc., 131 High­land Ave., $67,000.

White Oak

Ryan Karges to Max­well Sloane LLC, 3401 Foster Road, $250,000. Estate of Wil­liam Faw­cett to Tree Top Farm LLC, 2745 Lin­coln Way, $100,000. Penn­syl­va­nia Comm Dept Trans­por­ta­tion to Car­men

Lee In­dus­tries LLC, prop­erty, Un­known Ad­dress, $4,240. Vicki Reese to Austin Jor­dan Woods, 2518 Mo­hawk St., $145,000. Jo­shua Saun­ders to Chris­to­pher Miladi­nov­ich, 2212 Reiman Ave., $316,000.


Robert Clager to Tho­mas and Shan­non As­sad, 4925 Browns­ville Road, $390,000. Cheryl Wann­st­edt to Mary Frances Carr, 1017 Dun­can Ln, $224,250. Jill Shar­rer to Ma­cen Za­vallo and Jes­sica Ken­dall, 5251 Field­crest Drive, $176,000. San­dra Sue Wil­son to Mat­thew Ce­cala, 5 Hen­nig Drive, $145,000. Cath­er­ine Ben­ton to Shaun Mehr, 4796 Oakridge Drive, $302,500. Cath­er­ine Trushel to Ben­ja­min Nils Smeland, 4808 Old Boston Road, $200,000. Mary Ruff­ing to Rich­ard and Lau­rette Mar­tin, 5333 Over­look Glen Drive, $227,500. NVR Inc. to Patrick Joint, 200 Prov­i­dence Way, $351,565.


Audrey Hol­mes to Mat­thew Strauss, 622 Beaver Ave., $72,400. UCG Thirty Three LLC to Ok­sana Find­lay, 3905 Dowl­ing Ave., $146,000. Doris Blau­velt to Jo­shua Pasko, 196 Har­ri­son Road, $104,000. Dou­ble A Hold­ings LLC to TNA In­vest­ments LLC, 611 Larimer Ave., $44,900. Estate of Mary Deger to Harold and Frances Fundis, 1642 Vine­se­ian Pl, $290,000.


Mat­thew Ed­gar to Jor­dan Romanus and Leigha La­mont, 1712 At­kin­son Pl, $177,000. Jane Ru­dov to Eric Net­tles and Moira McCaughey Dunn, 113 Bid­dle Ave., $328,000. Bar­bara Cooper to Mi­chael Kelly, 1437 Clark St., $18,000. Frank Edward Wil­liams to One Call Han­dles It All, 509-511 Hill Ave., by sher­iff’s deed $42,000. Fran­ziska Bern­hard to Dim­itri Hans Go­ha­gen, 1716 Maple­wood Ave., $118,500. Mi­chael Gaines to Heaven Fair­ley, 1118 Pearl St., $15,000. Estate of Olindo Man­cini to Bry­ant Mi­chael Garvin, 1915 Penn Ave., $139,900. Sheila Gil­more to James Wim­berly III, 2036 Samp­son St., $98,800. Robin Knox to An­thony Wan­ama­ker, 561 Shel­bourne Ave., $61,650. Kevin Bivona to Rainey Jones, 415 South Ave., $105,000.

Beaver County


Ger­ald Ste­phens to SFR3-030 LLC, 1214 Boundary St., $61,100. Tami Croce to Tari Al­len, 1340 Lind­bergh Ave., $152,000. Lindy Pav­ing Inc. to Bet­ters Real Estate Hold­ings L.P., in­dus­trial prop­erty, State Route 51, $250,000. Dean Musi to Te­tra­he­dron En­ter­prises LLC, 1902 Wade St. Ext., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $35,880).


Damian Pow­ell to Walker Cog­ge­shall, 809 Mel­rose Ave., $110,000. Damian Pow­ell to Walker Cog­ge­shall, 813 Mel­rose Ave., $55,000. James Gre­gory Hamp­ton to Jo­shua Mi­chael and Rachel Eliz­a­beth Rein­ders, 921 Mel­rose Ave., $112,500. Hawk­eye LLC to Pitts­burgh JEDI LLC, 937 Wal­nut St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $62,100).

Beaver Falls

Rich­ard Gates to Adam and Carol Crowe Hines, 409 29th St., $106,000. Ken­neth Ginther Jr. to Wil­liam and Re­nee Pitcher, 1604 Second Ave., $104,000. Shan­non Steele to Carolyn Glover, 3810 Second Ave., $15,000. An­n­abella Prop­er­ties LLC to Brad­ley Rizno, 2304 Seventh Ave., $72,500. Ben­ja­min Lee Gib­bons to Lind­sey Gough, 3605 Seventh Ave., $100,000.


Estate of Char­les Leis to An­drew David Leis, 1036 Fifth St., $170,000. Sean McIn­tosh to James and Ju­dith Clark, 769 Sixth St., $228,000.

Big Beaver

In­vest­mint Prop­er­ties LLC to Green Flash Homes LLC, 328 Wal­lace Run Road, $107,500.


George Vedro to David Hunter III and Deir­dre Shan­non Hunter, 1695 Chapel Road, $240,000. Melvin Flan­i­gan trustee to James and Diane Or­rell, 1280 Neville Road, $285,000. Mandy Goss to Preston Lei Vigna, 3720 Tus­car­a­was Road, $245,500.


Robert Paul Ayoob to Jer­emy Ryan and Jean Marie Wood­land, 114 Brid­get St., $442,500. Steven Ross trustee to Onyx Realty Group LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Brod­head Rd/​Rt 18, $1,333,333. Estate of Bon­nie Lou Foore to Sega­vepo LLC, 123 Bunker Hill Road, $133,000. Char­les Yan­jtov­ich to Chris­to­pher Joseph Bell, 219 Co­lum­bia Drive, $209,900. H M Land LlC to Maronda Homes LLC, prop­erty, 302 Do­ria Ann Drive, $75,000. Mi­chele Lynn Pap­pas to Sega­vepo LLC, 104 High­land Ave., $188,000. Wil­liam Huf­na­gel to Phi­lip and Ash­ley Ana­nea, 104 Pine­haven Court, $480,000. Janet Smith to An­thony Bu­falini, 235 Prince­ton Drive, $180,000.


Clar­ence Cyphert to Joseph and Sarah Kath­ryn Tesone, 121 Bimber Ave., $241,275. RoAnne Fet­k­ov­ich to Den­nis and Deb­o­rah Grady, 1067 Timber­wood Drive, $215,000.


Andy Schink to Dana Marie Gamel, 253 14th St., $95,900.

Dar­ling­ton Town­ship

Lee Ann Mey­ers to Chris­tina Granato and Lee Ann Mey­ers, ag­ri­cul­tural land, McChe­s­ney Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $125,801). Lee Ann Mey­ers to Chris­tina Granato and Lee Ann Mey­ers, 145 McChe­s­ney Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $51,750).


Si­mon Den­gel et al. to Harold and Rose­mary Sloppy trustee, prop­erty, Con­way Heights Road, $10,000. Rose George to Mel­ody Joy Sny­der, 405 Gem­ini Drive, $220,420. Ali­son But­ler to Diane Grimm and Carol Rabian, 122 Gross Drive, $320,000. John Spon­tak to Ryan Wil­cox, prop­erty, 104 Pin­eview Road, $69,000. John D’Ar­rigo to Anand Koman­dur and Nan­dini Anand, 112 Shady Hol­low Drive, $387,500. Douglas Yurasko to WPK Prop­er­ties LLC, 300 Sun­ridge Drive, $175,000.


Estate of Jack Lee Smith to Kelli Sla­dick, 854 An­thony Wayne Drive, $185,000. Frank Mor­rone to Clay­ton O’Con­nor, 1049 Oak Ave., $160,000. Phil­lip Hug­gins to JB Prop­erty Hold­ing LLC, 16 Solar Drive, $145,000.


Craig Bechak to Ja­cob Strano and An­drew Kirish, 1166 Air­port Road, $340,000. Estate of Robert Rib­nicky to Ni­cole Marsh, 107 Buss Road, $165,000. Orreo-2FIN LLC to Mat­thew Krow­itz and Dara Gold­smith, 1903 Fair­haven Drive, $159,000. Daniel Flana­gan to Ar­mando Mar­can­tonio III and Ash­ley Mar­can­tonio, 2028 Golf­way Drive, $470,000. Jon Paul DeChellis to Cyd­nie Vic­to­ria Ali, 1023 Maine Ave., $149,900. Leah Mad­den to Lin­coln Cap­i­tal Group LLC, 1218 Maine Ave., $45,000. Ar­mando Mar­can­tonio III to Vic­to­ria Pow­ell, 1054 Sweet Brier Drive, $400,000. Dan Ryan Build­ers Mid At­lan­tic LLC to Chris­to­pher and Char­line Eis­en-

gart, 1017 Tee Line Drive, $399,128. Estate of The­odore Fre­drick Buecker Jr. to US Bank Trust Na­tional Assn., 2514 Wood­bine Road, by sher­iff’s deed $135,000. Cit­i­group Mort­gage Loan Trust 2019-C to Robter and Marissa McDon­ald, 2514 Wood­bine Road, $190,000.

New Brigh­ton

Key Prop­erty Care LLC to Cory and Kris­ten Ostach, 410 Tenth St., $43,650. Estate of Joanne Hart­man to Curt Hart­man Jr., 522 13th Ave., $80,000. Linda Pow­ell to Mela­nie Ann Wal­ter, 716 Seventh Ave., $90,000.

New Se­wickley

Tim­o­thy Coe to Blake and Kati Schilling, 488 Big Knob Road, $80,000. Estate of Thelma Fil­bert to Alli­son Ratay, 1387 Route 989, $218,000.

North Se­wickley

Rich­ard Brant to Mark Chris­to­pher Cerce, 2030 Ben­netts Run Road, $160,000. John Wed­dell to Mi­chael Pasquale, 3335 River Road, $105,000. Cameron Wick­line to Robert and Tammy Grzelka, prop­erty, Town­wood Road, $30,000.


Estate of Gary Brown to Thi­erry and Ni­cole Chene, 280 Salem Church Road, $230,000.

Pat­ter­son Heights

Mary Ann Demo­naco to Bruce Brizzi, 607 Seventh Ave., $208,900.

Roch­es­ter Bor­ough

Di­dio In­vest­ment Co. L.P. to Steph­a­nie Rubino, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 139 Brigh­ton Ave., $46,500. Kim­berly Lou­ise Huey to Jean­nie Loar, 470 Kos­suth St., $108,000. Pro Equity LLC to Pin­na­cle Land Group II LLC, 471 Ore­gon Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $75,624). David Bald­inger to Good Stew­ards Hold­ings LLC, 454 Park St., $60,000. Di­dio In­vest­ment Co. L.P. to Brigh­ton Ave Prop­er­ties LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Pin­ney St., $82,000.

Roch­es­ter Town­ship

Hur­ri­cane Auto Wash LLC to Pin­na­cle Land Group II LLC, 570 Har­mony Ave., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $80,658). Fed­eral Na­tional Mort­gage Assn. to An­thony Jude Mete III and Kris­tina Mete, 109 Porter Lane, $310,000.

But­ler County


Brook­haven LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 126 Ab­i­gail Drive, $176,000. B3V Part­ners L.P. to Mat­thew Sch­nierle and Cath­er­ine Dan­kosky, prop­erty, 108 Im­pe­rial Drive, $97,500. Kelly Dolan to Ba­laji Pala­ni­ap­pan Tami­la­rasan, 81707 Lost Val­ley Drive, $250,000. Cy­press Fields L.P. to Calvin and Pa­tri­cia Bran­ca­zio Wade, prop­erty, 203 Mon­te­rey Ct, $160,000. Penn Acres LLC to Ben­ja­min and Amy Michaux, prop­erty, 227 Sum­mit Acres Drive, $185,000. Fred Hespen­heide to NVR Inc., prop­erty, White­tail Mead­ows Trl, $86,584. NVR Inc. to Jack Leo­nard and Brit­t­any Anne Adams, 418 White­tail Mead­ows Trl, $517,160.


Derek Rose to Keith and Hilda Schrag, 197 Hepler Road, $245,000. Her­i­tage Cross­ings Part­ners L.P. to Ron­ald and Carol Briney, 1052 Sandy Ridge Drive, $371,220. Gary Hub­bard to Cyn­thia Buchta Peter­son, 103 Wagen Drive, $195,000.

But­ler Town­ship

Lloyd Eagal to John Mon­roe Jr. and Dara Zu­lick, 109 Camp­bell Ave., $118,000. Estate of Mar­lene Winters to Jac­quetteLes­lieIahya Bazemore, 120 Free­port Road, $229,900. Estate of Edward Nagy to Tho­mas and Pet­rina Rock­en­stein, mo­bile home site, 229 N Boundary St., $69,900. Edward Bloom to Peter and Shan­non Fazio, 100 Penn Ave., $68,500. Cyn­thia Simp­son to Michelle Ma­hood, 1202 S Main St., $92,000. Mary Doma­chowski to Lynn Phil­lips, 156 West­wood Mnr, $205,000. Helen Brown to Amanda Nord­quist, 157 Whi­tes­town Road, $30,000.


San­dra Sto­janovic to Lu­theran Se­niorLife, prop­erty, 415 Ha­zel Ave., $5,000. E & E Down­town Prop­er­ties LLC to 135 N Main Street LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 135 N Main St., $490,000. Ca­sey Keane Sar­vey to Re­gina Romanucci, 220 S Bluff St., $50,000. Don­ald El­len­berger to James Schu­bert, 312 Spruce St., $120,000. Char­les Cameron to Nicho­las Pears and Alexis Sch­mei­der, 426 W Pearl St., $135,000. Cyn­thia L Urso Houk to Den­nis and Lisa Men­dler, 106 Zeigler Ave., $108,000.


Dale Graham to Mi­chael Lauro and Con­nie Hassler, 303 Beech­wood Blvd., $315,500. Joseph Beatty to David and Kath­leen Na­goda, 105 E Sun­rise Cir, $389,900. Den­nis Barn­hart to John and Lynn Deluga, 224 Hen­dricks Road, $725,000. Rhett Walls to Jones Estates Pine­hurst Manor PA LLC, mo­bile home site, 148 Jan Drive, $700,000. Ben­ja­min Barger to Cody Pav­k­ovic and An­dria Hills­man, 115 Muddy Creek Drive, $195,000. Paul Car­rier to Homer Gray, 111 Renick Road, $65,000.

Con­no­que­ness­ing Town­ship

Jay Edward Tho­mas to Cheryl Beth Tho­mas, 110 Fox Drive, $25,000. Align­ment In­vest­ments LLC to Cyn­thia Sadler, prop­erty, Hill Top Road, $1,500. Ste­phen Fiorino to Jer­emy Ham­il­ton, 225 Hill Top Road, $90,000. Larry Vir­gal­lito to Larry and Kris­ten Stimpert, 120 Sil­ver Oak Drive, $405,000. Tim­ber­lee Inc. to Trevor and Su­san Pass­more, prop­erty, 134 Tim­ber­lee Drive, $60,000.


Park Place Mar­ket­ing LLC to NVR Inc., con­domin­ium prop­erty, 209-213 Amon St., $168,975. Rebecca Steph­a­nie trustee to Wil­liam Swan­son Jr. trustee, 230 Brookside Drive, $420,000. Ja­son Acerra to Bry­ant Joseph Donato and Rachel El­len Free­man, 102 But­ter­cup Drive, $269,900. Dol­ores Whit­ting­ton trustee to Ben­ja­min Ray and Ginger Ra­ch­ele Col­well, 101 Can­ter­bury Trl, $540,000. George Hard­ing to Tyler Painter, 201 Clear­brook Ct, $193,000. Tris­tan Rob­erts to Juli­ette Kerr, 139 Dorsch Drive, $344,000. LSF10 Master Par­tic­i­pa­tion Trust to An­drew Gullo, 10 Dover Drive, $190,000. Nathan Ston­fer to David Trze­ciak, 7415 Frank­lin Road, $156,000. Parry Cus­tom Homes Inc. to Brad John­son, 102 Grind­stone Pl, $850,000. Chris­to­pher Cic­co­zzi to Jo­shua and Ally­son Dahl, 700 Hart­land Drive, $250,000. Kris­ten Mag­delinic to Chad and Kath­leen Stan­ley, 711 Lit­tle Creek Ln, $375,000. Pike­wood Land Part­ners LLC to Leo­nard and Diane Chu­de­re­wicz, prop­erty, 405 Mari­gold Ln, $180,000. Eliz­a­beth Testa to Law­rence and Cyn­thia Petrucci, 104 Red­mond Ct, $520,000. Ge­rard Pin­droh to 20811 Perry Realty LLC, car deal­er­ship or park­ing ga­rage or car wash, 20811 Route 19, $625,000. Aaron John­son III to Ryan Flar­ity, 324 Samuel Drive, $555,000. Pike­wood Land Part­ners LLC to Robert Bren­ner and Kel­sey Moss, prop­erty, 308 Spruce Ln, $180,000. Terri Pa­cella to Carol Von­hofen, 414 Sus­sex Drive, $250,000. David Cu­tone to Ni­cole Cor­nall, 713 Truth Ln, $345,000. Ray­mond Moran Jr. to Kathi Zurav­itch, 1022 Weald­stone Road, $343,000. An­thony Paga­nie to Pa­tri­ci­ann Mion, 224 Woo­dridge Drive, $290,000.


PPDA L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 616

Burb­erry Blvd., $81,955. Nicho­las Marini to Stu­art Mayer, 120 Cole Ct, $230,000. NVR Inc. to Nick­o­las Chris­to­pher and Kait­lyn Marie Hoch, 307 Dior Drive, $383,900. WR Devel­op­ment Co. LLC to Maronda Homes LLC, prop­erty, Grove Hill Ln, $102,168. Sen­eca Trails LLC to NVR Inc., con­domin­ium prop­erty, 201-206 Run­nel Ct, $318,000. Sen­eca Trails LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 301 Shan­leigh Drive, $91,595. Spring Val­ley Part­ners 2 L.P. to Joseph Ry­czaj, 601 Spring Val­ley Drive, $396,585. New­man Hold­ings LLC to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 120 Woods­man Ridge Drive, $96,120.


Stan­ley Walchesky to Ste­phen and Sheila Adams, 106 Neu­pert Road, $275,000.


Arden Devel­op­ment Part­ners L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 757-759 Oliver St., $123,640. Estate of Char­les Schott to An­drew Metarko, 393 Perry High­way, $395,000. Aaron Schott to Eric Ray­burn, 215 Salt Works Road, $130,000.


Larry Sur­rena to Clin­ton and Jamie Sur­rena, mo­bile home site, Pohl­man Road, $4,000.


NVR Inc. to Mi­chael Jones and Ali­son But­ler, 3018 Eagle Ridge Drive, $473,160. NVR Inc. to Mi­chael Sean and Jamie Ann Hag­gerty, 3026 Eagle Ridge Drive, $524,385. NVR Inc. to Char­les Ross, 3049 Eagle Ridge Drive, $501,490. NWPA Prop­erty Devel­op­ment L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 3037 Hum­bolt Pl, $92,000. Ma­dak­kara L.P. to Dar­ren and Julie Le­pere, com­mer­cial prop­erty, Twin Wil­lows Ln, $700,000.

Muddy Creek

Estate of Rich­ard McHale Jr. to Roy and Su­san Weis­sert, 576 E Port­ers­ville Road, $160,000.


Estate of Don­ald Eugene Hixon to Robin and Joy Hixon Cet­nar, prop­erty, Brown Road, $90,000. R. Ander­son Haas Jr. to Troy and Meghan Nunes, 305 Crisswell Road, $1,400,000. Keith Simp­son to Tim­o­thy and Michelle Reilly, 6126 Or­chard Ln, $395,000.

Seven Fields

Group 7 Devel­op­ment Co. LLC to Hun­ting­ton Na­tional Bank, com­mer­cial prop­erty, High­pointe Drive, $1,650,000.

Slip­pery Rock Bor­ough

Howard Meyer to Wil­liam Jor­dan, prop­erty, Ever­green Ct, $10,000. Chad Hul­ings to Mark Metzka and Al­ex­an­dria Heller, 484 New Cas­tle St., $149,500.

Slip­pery Rock Town­ship

Clif­ford Mell­ott to Clif­ford Mell­ott and Betsy Straw­bridge, 335 Har­mony Road, $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $73,676).


David Fore­man to Chris­to­pher Tho­mas Beich­ner, 202 Emer­son Drive, $85,000.

Wash­ing­ton County


Mark Graulty to Ja­son and Kris­tin Brown, 605 High­land Ridge Road, $417,500. Ernest Beg­lin to Hous­ing & Ur­ban Devel­op­ment, 2914 S Bridge Road, by sher­iff’s deed $145,108.


Estate of David John Bober to Mi­chael Pohlot II and Car­los Betan­court, 1031 Fifth St., $198,500. B & C Land Man­age­ment LLC to James Brian and Gena Marie Si­wiak, 519 Frank­lin Ave., $130,250. An­gela Mikla­vic to Mi­chael and Michelle Amy Barz, 1300 Lu­cia Drive, $275,000. David Sump­ter Jr. to Frank Chris­to­pher and An­drea Re­nee Bar­ber, 1340 Lu­cia Drive, $312,000. Jon­a­than Nie­miec to Kait­lin Ken­ney and Ra­chael Moon, 641 Wood­land Road, $197,000.


Jared Cole to Chris­to­pher Stroop, 96 He­witt Ave., $115,000. Law­rence Mounts to Jef­frey Miller and Jen­ni­fer Conaway, 50 Oak­wood Ave., $125,000.


Wil­liam Mikels to Mi­chael Joseph Sch­mitt, 403 Blue Jay Drive, $30,000. Paul Fazio to Robert and Lynne Miller, 1102 Con­cord Drive, $231,000. McCon­nell Trails LLC to NVR Inc., con­domin­ium prop­erty, 232-240 Frances Ln, $283,250. Elaine Mat­thews es­tate trustee to Su­san Reas­inger, 1430 Lex­ing­ton Drive, $257,500. TOA Ce­cil LLC to Tho­mas and Di­ana No­watzki, 205 Lib­erty Blvd., $503,121. TOA Ce­cil LLC to Daniel Wil­liam and Car­rie Ann Herd, 210 Lib­erty Blvd., $527,179. TOA Ce­cil LLC to David and Robin Kli­mas, 218 Lib­erty Blvd., $524,919. TOA Ce­cil LLC to Kurt and Sharon Che­ba­toris, 223 Lib­erty Blvd., $468,547. Dom­in­ick An­thony Dalbo to Robert and Kathy Anne Mikulski, prop­erty, 10 Muse Bishop Road, $40,000. NVR Inc. to Jer­emy and Jen­ni­fer Het­tler, 4007 Overview Drive, $514,342. David Redell to Samuel Je­nesky Jr., 131 Val­ley­crest Drive, $285,000. Eric Kirk to Kris­tin Po­virk, 70 Wind­crest Drive, $279,500.


Estate of Law­rence Yankech to Robert and Jac­que­line Thorn, prop­erty, 1 Lower Spring Road, $89,900.


Samuel Sokol to Full Ar­mor Real Estate LLC, 609 Seventh St., $1 (state deed trans­fer stamps in­di­cate a value of $73,944). Zer­foss Prop­erty LLC to Second & Third Hold­ings LLC, com­mer­cial prop­erty, 421 Fal­low­field Ave., $12,000. Don­ald Sma­racheck to Mi­chael and Bar­bara Kath­leen Outrich, 1006 Lower Meadow Ave., $62,000. David Ri­ley to Ri­chatta Ivy, 529 McKean Ave., $1,500.


Arabian Mead­ows Part­ners LLC to Joseph and Karen Sed­mak, 208 Bri­dle Ln, $416,240. Tho­mas Golds­boro to Pedro Tor­rez Godoy and Saman­tha Tor­rez, 546 Hick­ory Ln, $280,000. Pi­att Estates Chart­iers L.P. to NVR Inc., prop­erty, 605 Manor Drive, $71,000.

East Wash­ing­ton

M & M Squared LLC to SLG Hold­ings LLC, 109 North Ave., $90,000.


Char­les Schons to Work Re­sources LLC, 187 S McDon­ald St., $3,000. Deut­sche Bank Na­tional Trust Co. trustee to LRN Prop­er­ties LLC, 225 Sta­tion St., $76,000. Frances Scott to An­thony Mi­chael Car­dillo and Carly Sei­bel, 339 Val­ley St., $71,000.